Strades first "Catch"

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Strade sat at the bar counter, looking down at the shot he had in hand. A Fire ball, course it got a bad rap , but at least the big group on the back can handle that kind of drink.
Strade went to the bar on a bad night, there was a birthday party for a couple of lovers in the back. They turned 21 and they are all drinking like they just found out they were getting a leg amputated without anesthesia .
He chuckled looking back at the small group and drank his shot, laying a $5 on the counter, ordering more shots for him, and the group .
The bartender brought the drinks and girl from the group looked over to Strade a soft drunken smile on her face. Strade got up after a moment of ordering himself a tall glass of Korn.
He walked over to the group sh a king the hands of a few people, joining in on then party and ordering them drinks.

This all lasted until the bar was getting ready for close .
Strade brought the group to the car and drove them to their individual homes, making sure they were all OK . It was close to around 2 in the morning until he got back to his home, and that’s when he noticed they birthday girl passed out in the back of his car.

He got out and brought her inside, laying her Down in the guest bedroom turning on the fan to keep the room cool. The room was connected to the bathroom so if anything had happened say it be vomiting, she would be fine .
Strade walked into the living room grabbing a beer from the fridge and turning on the TV.

The next morning Strade stayed on the couch, half asleep . He slowly got up hearing the familiar sound of getting sick after a rough night of drinking . Strade stepped into the room and walked over moving her hair out of the way as she got sick. She looked back at him, shivering in discuss about how she was .

Strade helped her up and brought her to the kitchen where he got her some Ginger Ale and asked if she would like anything to eat.
She refused and laid her head on the kitchen Table. Strade began introducing  himself and explaining what happened last night. Strade asked for her name as he began making himself breakfast.
She began to introduce herself, calling herself ‘Doll’.

She sighed looking at him.
“ Its nice to meet ya Strade , but I really do think I should get going soon”
Strade stopped a moment looking at her.

“ Awe come on darling, do you really wanna leave , in mean, you do look like you’ve had a rough night.”
Doll looked at him a moment, a hint of worry in her eyes now. She slowly got up from where she was sitting and began to walk to the Front door .
Strade came up behind Doll grabbing her wrist. “ Listen Doll, you have no idea exactly where you are and I understand that, but listen, later today once you get feeling better I’ll take ya home, got it?”

Doll looked at him , a sour look on her face. “ Fine, but you better bring me straight home once I feel better ya hear me?”
Strade nodded , a smile soon appearing  on his . “ Of course.”

After breakfast Strade stepped into the living room and began to watch a few shows with Doll, still as king if she wanted anything. She declined turning channels until she got one they both liked.
Strade sighed watching the show, listening to all the cases.
It made something ping inside of him, like a longing to see something first hand of what all they were describing .

To see someone tortured, to see them whines and cry for it to stop. To do what ever you say just to be safe.
Strade smirked, looking over to Doll, seeing her clutching a pillow to her chest.
Strade began getting an idea as he continued watching .
“Heya Doll, there’s a project I’m working on downstairs if ya wanna come and check it out.”
Doll looked at him and smiled and got up. “ Sure, where’s the stairs?”
Strade got up and led her down a hall, opening the door . “ Ladies first.”
Once she began walking down Strade shoved her, hoping not to hurt her too much. He stepped down seeing she was unconscious, a small cut on her Temple.

Strade began to tie her up cleaning up the cut. He sat there a moment, getting his hunting knife from the wall gently tracing it on her calves, watching as her body twitched and seeing her eyes flutter in her sleep.
Strade chuckled watching her slowly waking up, that same drunken smile on her face like from last night.
Strade got close to her face gently grabbing her chin. “Guten Morgen schläfrig Kopf, wie war dein Nickerchen?"

Doll tilted her head to the side, not understanding what he just said. “ S-Strade, wh-where am I?” He gave her no answer as he slowly stood up , leaning back against the counter.
“ Well you see darling, this is something I couldn’t just hold in much longer, you see, I’ve been trying to find someone who…well…was so…how do I say…” free spirited and Pure"..but I guess I got you instead.“

Doll shivered looking a way from his gaze. ” What do you want from me?“
Strade though a moment , a devilish grin appearing on his face.
” Well darling, Ich will dich brechen.“

Doll whined softly, not want to understand want he had just said.
She already knew what was going to happen now, she’s heard all about these kinds of things. Getting kidnapped or raped by someone who seemed so sweet and interesting.
Like people always say "Dont trust the Devil, cause even he was once an Angel.”

Strade gently pressed the dull side of his knife to her cheek, turning her head slowly towards him. Tears slowly began to run down Dolls cheeks, she was terrified no doubt about it.

Strade spent hours with her, violating her how ever way he can. Listening to her scrams and cries of pure torture.
He loved it.
Doll suddenly yelled staring at him, a crazed look in her eyes.
“Why won’t you just kill me already!?”

Strade gasped lightly looking at her expression . He actually broke her .
He smiled evilly , grabbing her throat pulling her face closer to his. “ Ich werde das genießen.”
He gave her a gentle kiss on the lips, thrusting his knife into her ribs, jerking it upwards towards her breast, causing blood to begin pouring out of her.
Doll fell to her side, watching as Strade began tearing though her stomach ripping out her intestines, licking the blood from his hands.

She slowly began dying from blood loss,finally lost once he had taken out her heart. He watch as its beat began to slowly stop.
When he finally came to terms about what he’s just done, he felt guilty.
He had just killed someone, just to see what it felt like…

Strade stared at the blood on his clothes then to the body on the floor. A sudden rush going through him, laughing softly to himself.
It took Strade a few hours to finish cleaning the mess he had made, and he had waited until it was late as hell and took what he had left of her body somewhere secluded and dumped it , leaving barely any trace of anyone else there

Once back in the safety of his home he went out back and began burning his bloody clothes.
He stepped back inside, took a shower, and went to his room. He stared at himself in the mirror. The look in his eyes was much more menacing yet cheerful , he smiled.
Strade like the new look he had, it looked so deceiving yet so normal.

He laid back in his bed, staring at his ceiling.
Planning out his next Date with a sweet unbroken stranger.

Who knows, He might get someone who like psychopaths and the torture he may have in store.

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