Hanging out with Taylor

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After telling Camille about Taylor, I found out that Matt had also shown an interest in her. Instead of asking for her phone number, he just asked for our room number. We found out that the boys were just a floor above us!

I decided to take a shower as it had been a long day. I put my "Shower" playlist on shuffle & coincidently, Buck Wild was the first song to come on. While I was in the shower, I got a text.

Once I was out of the shower, I read the text. It was from Taylor! It read: "Hey Alicia 😊 it's Taylor! So me & most of the guys are going out to dinner in a bit & were wondering if you could come? You can bring your friend Camille for Matt too if ya want!"

I ran out of the bathroom & showed Camille the text. We both were freaking out as we had barely imagined of meeting the boys let alone getting to hang out with them!

"Okay we have to act cool around them though... Otherwise they will think we are weird & won't like us anymore," I stated.

Camille agreed, "Yeah we should just make them beg for us instead of the other way around!"

I hoped our plan would work... I texted Taylor back, "Oh hey Taylor! Dinner sounds great! Where at?"

Almost immediately he replied, "We were thinking Olive Garden if you girls are down for that."

"Perfect," I replied

"Alright, meet you in the lobby in 30?"

"Sure thing!"

Realizing I was still just in a towel, I went to my bag to find something to wear. I decided on a mint colored skater skirt with a black & white chevron, tight crop top. I quickly blow-dried my hair & wore it natural with my bangs braided back. Lastly I applied the same makeup as earlier. For shoes I grabbed my go-to grey vans.

"Alright Camille it's been almost 40 minutes! They are going to think we stood them up!" I yelled to camille in the bathroom.

Just then she comes out wearing a pair of white shorts & a pink & yellow floral high-low tank top.

"Looking gorgeous as usual!" I told Camille. No matter if Camille tried or not, she always looked cute. I envied her for that.

"I thought we were playing hard to get? Maybe we should wait a little bit longer," Camille said with confidence.

"I mean I agree that we have to play hard to get, but 10 minutes is enough. we don't want them to leave us behind!" I countered.

"I guess you're right. But once we are with them, we are going to act like they are just guys okay?"

"Deal," I agreed.

Just then I got a text from Taylor: "You guys coming?"

"On our way," I replied.

In the end we decided to take the stairs just to keep the boys waiting a little bit longer. once we arrived in the lobby it was just Taylor & Matt.

"Is it just us four?" I asked.

"No the other guys just got bored waiting so they went in the limo," Taylor informed me.

"Oh sorry for the wait!" I said, forgetting for a second about me & Camille's deal.

"It's no big deal," Taylor told me, "Lets get going though!" Matt, Camille & I followed Taylor to the limo waiting out front.

"Took ya guys long enough!" Cameron shouted as we entered the limo.

"They are girls. What did you expect?" Matt said with a laugh.

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