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Japan huhuhuhu
America fucked you up T^T

Tokyo , Japan
April 2014

The whole trip was quite relaxing and I experienced a little bit of jet lag but I didn't mind it.

When the plane arrived at the airport,I made my way to the Tokyo tower.The famous place here in Japan.I looked in awe when I saw those beautiful view.

The sun was setting,the shades or yellow and orange was like the background of the sun.I remembered the day when Big Brother take me to a tower to see the sunset.

I slapped myself when I began to glow.I sighed in relief that no one seen it.Philippines and Korea know about my powers,but they won't tell to the other countries that I'm alive.

I lean on the steel handle as I looked at the fireworks when the sun was gone out of sight.When I was tired,I went to the Japanese house that Korea get for me.My motor bike was on the garage and my stuff was there.I am so thankful that those two are my friend.

I went to the kitchen to cook something but I ended up to eat canned mackerel it was the one of my though .Maybe that's enough for me.I eat in silence as I watch anime.Fairy Tail and Kill La Kill was quite good huh.

I keep watching until I feel asleep.I didn't close the door so I woke up due to the sunlight.There was plenty of snow outside.So I change on my warm and comfy clothes to go outside.I removed the snow using shovel it away from the garden.

After that I walked around the city of Tokyo I went to the market to buy some food and also Manga.The funny thing that when Philippines gave me a manga I read it like it was a normal book that's why the story was quite confusing for me then I turn it around I found out that the manga was different on the normal books.

When I walked out of the last store,I walked around for once again.Until I bumped into a tall blonde man.

"Oh sorry dudette I wasn't looking on my way."

"You didn't need to apologise.I am the one wasn't looking so I'm sorry."

The man was like same age as Philippines his hair was sandy blonde,wearing bomber jacket,those weird baby blue eyes.WTH

"By the way what is your name dudette?"

He took my hand and dragged me to the nearby McDonald's this what they called.

"My name is (y/n) Køhler and yours?"

"I am Alfred F. Jones!WaiI have met you before?And I have a friend have a last name same as you."

I looked at him in Surprise so I slammed my hands of the table and lean closer to him.

"Wait are you a country?You know about the last name Køhler?"

"Yeah I'm country!I am America! United States of America!"

He pointed to himself proudly meanwhile on the background was a flag of America with an explosion effects.


I sweat dropped as I sunk on my seat.This guys is so hyper -_-'

"And what country you are?Maybe you are the one of the Nordics right?"

"Maybe I guess.....I am Greenland."

"Woah!You are the neighbor of my lil bro! But I thought that Greenland was sunk in the sea a century ago.Oh no! You're a ghost!Iggy!"

I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up.When he calms down I blushed in a million shades when I realized that his face was so close to mine.

"Okay I'm not a ghost or I'm not dead.My island was there it was not sink on the sea,using magic my land was not able to see or was like invisible.So they think I am dead.Please don't tell it to anyone."

After an hour talk I dragged him to my house.Because it was pretty chilling outside the weather forecast said,snowstorm so it was pretty dangerous for Alfred to go to the hotel
I prepared dinner as he watched anime in the living room.Both of us sat there and eat in silence.But he broke the intense silence.

"So how old are ya dudette?You look so young."

"Oh I'm 12 in my human age then I am 110 on my country age."

Then with that said he flooded me more questions.

"Why did you get into chaos that you're saying?"

"Because of my powers, I can't control it."

I left silent after that,I washed the dishes before I prepare the bathtub.I want to relax ya know.There was two bathrooms in the house one was on my room and the other one was on the guest room.

"I am just taking a bath if you need to take a bath too ,go to the guest room there's another bathroom there."

I make my way to the bathroom after I leave Alfred in the living room.As sunk my body in the bathtub.Letting out a sigh as I think on how I will help this country out.

As my mind focused on that stuff I didn't know my body began to glow until the water became hotter than before.


I got out of the bathtub to pour cold water above me.

"COOOOLLD!! Fuck this!"

I put my bathrobe on as I dry my hair using the hair blower.

I hate this.

I hate my powers.

Why God chose me to be the Time Keeper?

I put my clothes on to the second time because the first set of clothes was burned when my mind deep in train of thought.

And I don't want to think that I am weird because I am sleeping my body was floating if I was dreaming then Aurora surrounds me like northern lights.

I went in the living room and America wasn't there I think he was still taking a bath.As I waiting for him,I watched Shingeki No Kyojin while eating pocky.In the middle of episode 18 I fell asleep while the half of the pocky stick was on my mouth.

~Alfred's POV~

After I take a bath I went to living room and I found Greenland fell asleep with a pocky on her mouth.I chuckled and picked her up bridal style.

I set her down in her bed,she was snoring loudly but yet cute.She was Denmark's sister but she told me to keep it a secret ,she want to reveal it all by herself.

As I look at her,she began to glow which on my shock I stumbled backwards.She floated still fell asleep,she was smiling oh that's cute.

I just leave her to sleep because she told me also that it was normal to her.


~Japan's POV~

I picked up my phone to call America-san it was storming last night so I was worried.

The phone was ringing but not yet he didn't pick it up.After a minute he answered.

'Yo Japan!why did'ja call me?'

"Nothing.I just want to know where do you sleep last night?"

'I sleep with Gree- I mean (y/n) in her house I just meet her yesterday and she was so kind bro!Also she was so damn cute!'


'She was coming with me so wait for us dude!'

"Hai America-san I will wait for you two."

I sighed as I drink my tea.Who is this (y/n)?I know I heard that name before but I don't even lay a finger on it.

To be continued.............

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