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Life:I think you should shut the fuck up.

California, United States of America
4th of July 2014

~Your POV~

"So jou met vati? Zhat's awesome!So tell me Vhat he said about me frau?"

After a long moment of explanation, they finally understand so the albino named Gilbert asked me a tons of questions.Then Germany ,his brother shut him up by shoving a bottle of beer on his mouth.

"Sorry about mein bruder he is just like zhat."

Yeah it was America's Independence day that's why Alfred invited them.As the celebration goes on I eat some burger that Alfred put on the top of my head.Also I have fries that I dipped in Ice cream.

(Sorry I usually do that if I am eating at McDonald's 😄😅Oh yeah thanks for my cousin for the treat 😘)

"Bella are you-a eating pasta?Here-a have some of my-a pasta that I-a cook for you."

Italy gave a plate of pasta that they called I thanked him and I proceed to ate my food.Granpa Rome always tell me about his grandsons so Italy is the one of it.Then his brother was Romano if I am not mistaken.

"How's the cerebration (y/n)-chan?"

Japan sat besides me, he's not into this stuff so I understood him.While I am in the meeting of Bosses who are the members of ASEAN I don't speak any word when they discussing the economic issues ,I am just listening even I am the special speaker/guess of the occasion.I want to know how they run their country so I can do it on my own.

"It's okay but I'm not into these stuff, you know celebrating or drinking all they way until we collapse.And why the personification of the other countries are here?"

I asked him while I'm sipping my milkshake that I take too much within an hour.Uugghhh America was influencing me by his greasy food!

"About that,Arthur-san and Arfred -san pranned to show your face on the other countries so you can decide who wirr be your arry when you came back."

"Oh Is that so? They are chosen aren't they? Because I feel them,I feel their strong identity so I think they are strong countries.....also dangerous."

I shivered on the last part because of the tall man with scarf.His aura was so strong,I think he was Russia,also the man who named China/Yao.President Xi Jinping and Pres.Vladimir Putin told me about those two.

(Pls. correct me if I am wrong and no mean comments okay?)

"Hai, Itary-kun and Doitsu are my friend on the axis.Whire the others was on the arries."

I nodded and looked at the chaos of the party,oh!  I almost forgot that I have a gift for Alfred!

I excused myself so I can go to my room.I ran on around the mansion for about minutes just to find the guest room.I got the American flag gift box and ready to go, but my I heard something came from my pocket.

My pocket watch was running again in a weird way.It runs backwards then it began to heat on my hands. And it glows yellow,my body as well.I screamed before I vanished into thin air all I remember, I am falling from the sky.


Oslo, Norway


"Matthias are you okay?"

"I'm okay, I am just felt cold here."

"Next time you shouldn't run away from the house stupid Dane, there's a snow storm here."

"I promise I am sleep walking.And I am dreaming about my sister and she was on the outside of the house laying there,bloody as hell."

"You're thinking about her for ages Denmark.She is dead for 100 YEARS."

"Call me big brother then."



Back to US of A

"Dudes did you hear that?"

"Someone screamed upstairs."

*America looks around to look for you*

"It must be (y/n) ,you twat!"

*Everyone in the room started to panic*

"Find her anywhere in zhe mansion!"

"Ve~? what's happening-a!?where is-a bella?!"

Every one go to any directions of the house to find you.When Feli reached the hallway of guest rooms.He find your clothes  with the gift box on the floor.

"Everyone-a!I found-a (y/n)'s clothes!"

He run towards the living room with the clothes and the box in his hands.All of the countries are there, panting for a couple minutes of 'hunt'.

"Vhat is it Italy?"

Italy handed the things on Germany to examine it.With matching blush on the German's face.

"Vhat is it vest?"

"Nothing.Zhis must be her clothes but how?And zhis is like a gift box for jou America."

Germany gave the gift box on America and the gift box has a card on it.It says:

Happy Independence day!Or I say Happy Birthday Alfie!
Sorry if this is just my gift for you.
I hope you like my gift!
                                     ~(y/n) /Greenland

America didn't bother to open the gift, instead he punched the wall besides him or he punched the nearby object.(y/n) transported again but where it was?

"Can I kill the kidnapper when we finds them da?"

"She transported again to another world."

England said,causing the other countries looked at him with their confused gaze.Italy just cried and murmured some words while clutching (y/n)'s dress.

"Where are you-a bella?"

~Back to You~

(There's no specific date and time)

I think I will die right now!


I am falling from the weird green sky,I felt so cold because I am just wearing my underwear! My pocket watch formed into necklace and it stopped glowing.

I used my magic to make a fake wings but no use.I screamed as high as I can when I was about to hit the ground.

I fell on the roof of an house, and it was quite cold.The impact hit my head causing me to fell unconscious.

I just woke up in a unfamiliar room.My forehead was covered in bandage, the wind shivers me from the outside.And it was quite surprising that I am wearing blue dress.

After a minute the door opened and the nine felines entered the room with country flag on their collar.

"How was your feeling mon cheri?"

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