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Ok seriously I need to find Princess and O or else I'll be stuck with this Slut.
HAHAHHA like I'm one to talk! FINALLY I see Clarke and O it looks like theirs with the group?
Me:"Sorry guys I have to go"
I walk over to the table and see Jasper,Monty,Maya and Atom? That's weird he always sits with us.
Clarke:"Hay I'm Clarke"
But... Maya didn't say hi at all?
Me:"Hay Jasper I want some of that Moonshine for the party today!"
Maya:"wait... there's another party today? I thought we're going on a date today?"
Jasper:"Its a welcome party for Clarke-"
Me:"princess* her nickname is princess"
Jasper:"*laughs* alright a party for princess here"
Maya didn't seem too happy about this she can be a real bitch sometimes.
Maya:"So a random stranger is more important then ur girlfriend?"
Clarke looked so confused it was almost funny... I said almost!
Monty:Geez Maya I don't mean this in a bad way but lay off.
I could tell Maya was pissed like really just look at her!

Clarke:You don't need to make me a party!
Maya:She's right you don't even know her!
Maya gets up and walks away jasper runs to her. I know Monty hates Maya but wow.
Monty:why is everyone looking at me? Oh please she's been clingy and it's annoying Jasper and I never get to hangout bc of her!
Clarke:Ya but-
Before she could finish what she said somebody came and hugged her witch pissed me off and it was....

Hay hope ya like this!
Sorry for not updating! Make sure to vote! -Shamma

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