Chapter Five: Killer

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My eyes widened in fear of what I am going to do now. Joe was my first kill but not the last but I had planned to kill only two tonight. 

This is so messed up. 

I turned around to see a girl of about six or seven cowering in the corner of the room I was in, trying to sneak back to the kitchen but stood still in fear any movement would catch my attention and thankfully it did. I tucked the gun back into my denim pocket.

I knew this girl and her mother went to watch some late-night movie and they were to stay at her uncle's house since it was near the theatre. They were to return in the morning. What is she doing here? If she is here, that means her mother is nearby. 

I bounced over to her and in a swift motion covered her mouth with my palm in fear her mother would hear me if she screamed. I dragged her keeping her mouth covered and crossed the family room, and hid by the kitchen door. I peeked in the living room to see it empty, past it I knew they had two rooms. The room in my right had closed door now which wasn't when I entered the house meaning Mrs. Garcia was in there possibly changing her clothes or if luck was in my favor, taking a long bath. I took this opportunity to my gain and carried the little girl upstairs to the first floor. I entered the first room visible. 

The little one squirmed under me trying to save herself. I had to kill her mother first before I think of what to do with her. 

The room was pretty clean for my taste, filled with only necessities surrounded by cream walls but it yelled 'teenager' with video games stacked neatly on the rack to my right. I saw the cupboard and carried the girl towards it, opened it quietly and quickly. 

Clothes. Perfect. 

At the bottom laid a sock. I picked it up and shoved it into her mouth holding her hands with my left hand, her fight futile.I was too big and strong for her. I looked around, I found duct tape on the table. 


I snatched it and stretched taped it on her mouth and around to keep it in place but not too tight so that she could breathe, for now. With the same duct tape, I tied her hands. Once I did that I carried her back to cupboard took out a muffler, and tied her legs with it. 

I thought to myself, I cannot keep her alive. She will snitch me out in the future but she was a kid so I wasn't going to kill her brutally. I decided I will overdose her on sleeping pills. A painless death is something I can only offer her tonight. 

Now that she was quiet I really looked at her, sky blue eyes widened in fear, fear of what her future is. She laid on the floor making herself a softball. I crunched beside her, closing the distance between our face, I said,"Shh...Stay here, okay?"

She nodded frantically. Satisfied I made my way downstairs closing the door behind me. With each step, dread filling me. 

What if I fail? 

No, I cannot. This has to be done.

With new found determination I reached downstairs, I looked towards the room to see the door open. 

I have to kill her soon, if no, she is soon going to find out the corpse of her dead husband and call the police. I took my gun and spied her in the living room. 

All clear. 

I heard a soft whisper at distance,"Oh, Joe."  

I moved past the living room, to my left I had kitchen which was empty as well. I had no doubt she is in the family room, most probably saw her husband then why isn't she screaming, I thought. 

When I moved through the kitchen, I took a knife from the stand. I had no experience with guns, so I had to keep an alternative. At the end of the kitchen, I saw her standing still in the family room looking at her foot, in front of her husband but her back to me. Why is she standing facing his back exactly where I stood to shoot not in front of the sofa facing him?

Then I saw the blood pooling touching her foot making me gag. She shook her head sobbing silently, probably in shock. I stood there contemplating to spare her life but decided against it. Once she recovered from the shock, she would call the police. I need more time to complete my mission so she had to be gone. 

Closing the distance between us, I raised the knife and whispered hoarsely, "Forgive me."

I plunged the knife into her back with abundant force , not doubting the tip of the knife emerging from the abdomen. Blood splattered on my clothes and gloves. 

She gurgled a little, then fell down on the floor on the pool of blood from her husband. She still had to see my face. I didn't want her to so I shot her on the head exactly where her husband was shot. 

She went still.

I didn't enjoy killing her, unlike my first kill. 

But I came over my shock soon. Now, my monster mind wanted to leave a mark. It wanted the world to know why I killed. 

From the kitchen, I grabbed the kitchen towel and with the care not to stain my shoes with blood, I bent to let the towel soak the blood pool from the floor and complete my task by writing it on the living room wall.

I completed it and carefully placed aside, I have to bury the towel later to avoid the evidence. I made my way to the kitchen sink, I washed my hands. That is blood from the gloves I was wearing.

Now I had to overdose the girl and move on to the next target of the night. 

That is when I heard a click of the door. I ran breathlessly to the living room and examined the front door to find it closed so no one came or went out from there. Immediately my eyes went to the back door situated between two rooms. 

The door was wide open and I could see a small figure jumping off the fence. Her hands still tied, mouth still bound. I should have tied her legs with duct tape, not the muffler, I realized. 

Worst decision of her life. I didn't want to tie her up too tight. I didn't want to hurt her.

Her chances of being alive if she ran through the front door were more. Now she was running into the forest away from the civilization. But, she wanted to outsmart me. 

Painless murder is not something she deserves now. 

I followed her. 

Will he be able to catch her? What did he write on the wall? Who is he? What is your opinion, guys?

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