Chapter Four: Killer

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Dry leaves crunched under my shoes breaking the chilling silence of the night. The cold wind was ruthlessly trying to tear through my pale skin urging me to postpone my plan but I was deadly determined. 

I chickened out last time, leaving him with a mere warning but seems like he hasn't gotten around my forewarn and had the audacity to repeat his mistake again.

It has to be done tonight without question. 

A snowflake landed on my arm, followed by snow indicating the warm cocoon of  Wintervale is soon going to be yanked by harsh winter mercilessly. I am almost sure there would be a blizzard in a day or two. 

I looked up in the sky to see it devoid of the traitorous moon, maybe playing hide and seek with Selenophiles who somewhere around were wasting their night looking for the moon. But alas, it was nowhere to be seen. It must be new moon night or maybe, the moon just hid behind heavy clouds using it as a blanket. 

I lifted my right wrist to examine the time to see it barren of the watch. I mentally chastised myself. Why did I wear the watch on my left-hand wrist if I was left-handed? God only knows. 

I raised my left wrist to see the time.

12.15 am. Perfect. 

I walked along the sidewalk and turned down the street of my destination. The road divided the row houses on the each side. Each house was considerably big signifying the people living in this area were well off. 

Given that each house looked painfully similar, I wondered, how did people muster this truth? People always want to stand out among the likes especially in the high-class status society. Each house was surrounded by a free ground of about fifty feet from all the four walls of the infrastructure giving an expression of a square inside a square. The free space used for a variety of purpose depending on the owner of the house. Some did planting, some houses had toys spread all around indicating the presence of kids and some left it to be making the weeds grow which further invited bugs to their home sweet home. And the free ground boundary was displayed by a fence, dividing each individual house with their neighbour. 

The first house to my left was of no interest to me, neither was the one to my right but I kept my attention to both of them regardless. I couldn't afford eyewitnesses. 

Keeping the attention to my surrounding I made it to my destination. The streetlight placed at the edge of my goal house flickered along with the few present here and there all over the place. 

I opened the gate without any problem, thankfully the rusty thing didn't make any more of the noise. I checked the gun under my shirt I tucked in which I stole a few days back.

Still there.

Taking a deep breath I moved forward. 

This is it. 

I knew he would be alone tonight. And I was pretty sure he would be sleeping by now seeing the time is past his bedtime. 

Little fucker.

Without making any sound, I entered the porch. I bent down to raise the mat a little to take out the key which was kept under the mat without any care in the world.


I unlocked the door silently and placed the key back to its place knowing that it would be impossible to trace my fingerprints with the gloves I wore. I opened the door silently, entered and closed the door behind me. Front of me I had a living room which was empty. Past it, I saw two rooms adjacent to each other divided by a narrow pathway leading to a door possibly a backdoor to the yard. In front of the left room, five feet beside the door, I could see stairways leading to the first floor. To my right, I saw the kitchen, I leaned towards to see beyond the kitchen, there was a way out opposite to my entryway. 

A sound from TV could be heard from the room beyond the kitchen, possibly a family room. If TV was on, it meant he was awake. 

I cursed. 

But wait, it could work in my favour. I could see the fucker's face when I drill bullet hole into him, watching the light leaving his eyes would be worth it. No, I cannot do that. He is a cop and has more strength than me. He would easily overpower me. 

I leaned against the doorway leading to the room he occupied. He was sitting on the settee, only part of his head visible to me. His back facing me. I could see his right hand holding a glass of liquor supported by the arm of the sofa. He was relaxed watching a football game. I could see a tea table in front of him with stacks of paper on it.  I wonder what case he is working on now late at this night. I shrugged it off, if he dies, someone else would be assigned. The world doesn't need a cop like him anyway. 

Enjoy last moment of your life. 

Slowly but as sly as fox I walked directly behind him. I took out my gun. Thank heaven for the invention of a silencer. I don't want neighbors pouring in hearing a gunshot. 

He had yet to know my presence. What a lousy cop. 

Let the game begin. 

I  pointed my gun at the back of his head. I felt him stir at the sudden contact with metal. 

"Hello, Joe. Long time no see," I mocked him.

He started to rise, "What the-"

"Stop moving or I swear to God, you won't blink or breathe in next five seconds."

He slumped back shivering with fear. I wanted him to know why he was going to die. 

"I warned you, Joe. I told you if you ever do it again, I would kill you. That didn't stop you, therefore, I won't stop now. Your promise not to repeat your mistakes may mean null to you but I keep my promise, so goodbye Joe. May the hell be able to tolerate you."

"No no no, please..." he begged and shook his head violently. 

With that said I pulled the trigger. His body collapsed sideways onto the settee. Once white settee slowly turning red. I should have shown the mercy, but I didn't. I couldn't regret it. Not yet. I have yet to kill one more before it is over. 

I moved towards the tea table full of stacks of papers. Something written on it sure was bothering me. My curiosity turned to pure vexation. His name was written in bold letters.

What the fuck.

My anger vanished, my fear ascended when I heard it. 

A gasp. 

A gasp was the reason my entire plan reformed. 

What do you think? Who was that who saw him? Who is he? Why did he? What will happen now? Stay tuned to know more :P 

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