Game Day

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I continue to answer questions for another twenty minutes. However, soon we all have to head home because there is a game tomorrow. I stay up a little later to book arrangements for my things to be brought up to Chicago. I also begin to look at apartments, and I book a open house for 7:00am on April 7th. So the day after tomorrow.

After doing all that I go to the bathroom to change in my pjs, and then I head to bed. Omg it's already 1:00am. I look on my phone, and see that I've gotten a text from Anthony.

I had a great time tonight.
Can wait to learn more about you.
Goodnight, Little Cub😴💙🐻

I had a great time to night too.
Thank again for calming me down.
Goodnight, Tony 😴💙🐸

I wake up the next morning with pain through out my back. I decide to take a shower to see if that'll help, but I doesn't. Well I guess I'll just have to suffer through it. I get dressed and put on my blue and grey raglan t-shirt, a pair of red pants, combat boots, and a Chicago Cubs Ball Cap.

I look at the clock and notice that it's 12:00pm. Omg we slept late. We have to be there before 3:00pm, and Regan still has to take a shower and get dressed. Not to mention me gathering up my equipment. Oh and getting my press badge. I should have set an alarm. I quickly wake Regan up, and push her into the bathroom. I then pick out an outfit for her, so that she doesn't have to waste time doing that. I sound like a mom. Then. I rush around the room grabbing my laptop, tripod, Camera(Duh), and my flashes just in case cause ya never know. By the time Regan get out of the shower, and I dressed it already 1:50pm.

Regan takes me by the shoulders, "Sam! Calm down. We're gonna make it there in time. Wrigley is like literally 10 minuets away from here."

I take a deep breath and just nod, but I don't reply. I'm too anxious. Regan grabs her bag, and one on my flashes while I somehow manage to carry everything else. Ugh great now the pain in my back is worse. We load every in the back seat of my car, and we are soon zooming down the street towards Wrigley.

Regan grabs the door handle, "Sam, slow down!" Wrigley is still gonna be there."

I sigh, "I know that, but I'm nervous."

I slow down, but I cut our travel time down to 5 minuets. I rush out of the car, and grab my stuff. Regan is running to catch up with me. I slowdown when my right leg starts to hurt. Damn you hip. The security guards hand me my press badge, and hands another one to Regan. Hmmmmm, Maddon must have pulled some strings on that one. Regan hands me my other flash, "I'm gonna go find a seat. Are you gonna be okay setting up alone?"

I nod my head, and motion to where we can see home plate, "I recommend sitting behind home plate cause I know your favorite part is the hitting."

Regan hold up he thumb, and heads over there without a word.

I walk a little further till I find the Cubs Dugout. I mean it's a little hard to miss. I begin setting up, and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump and almost hit the person who tapped me in the face.

"Hey, Hey! It's just me." I hear the person rush out.

I then notice that it's Anthony, "Oh! Sorry. I scare easily."

Anthony laughs and engulfs me in a hug, "It's Okay, and I'm sorry for scaring you. I'll remember that next time."

We break the hug and I go back to setting up. Anthony watches me and asks questions here and there such as, "Why do you need flashes?" and, "Are you gonna use the tripod the entire time."

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