Father's Day Dance

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I cough lightly into my shoulder as I fold a Crêpe filled with bananas in on itself. Wrigley hands me the container of Nutella before walking back to his own food bowl. My eyes flutter as I spread Nutella across the Crêpe. I look at the clock on the wall. 5:00am. Too bad I haven't slept at all. I grab the plate along with a cup of coffee, and begin to walk up to the bedroom where Anthony is still sleeping. I set the mug, and plate on the nightstand before heading back to the kitchen. I sit down at the island, and I lay my head on my arms. It's too hot to sleep in the bedroom.

I feel a hand gently tap my face. I open my eyes to see Anthony sitting next to me. I close my eyes again, and whisper, "Happy Fathers Day."

I hear him chuckle, "Thank you. Did you sleep at all?"

I groan as I feel a kick to my bladder, "No. They were kicking all night. Not to mention that it's too hot in that room. I felt like I was suffocating."

Anthony rubs my back, "I'm sorry. Looks like I'm gonna have to invest in a fan."

I nod, "That'd be nice."

Anthony pulls my hand, "You're gonna regret it if you sleep here any longer."

I let him pull my the couch, and I distantly see him turn the AC on. He sits down beside me, and I lay down so my head is in his lap. I rest a hand on the underside of my stomach, "Why did I have to be pregnant during summer?"

Anthony traces circles along my stomach, "God willed it to be so."

I roll my eyes, "Atheist. Remember?"

I open one eye to see him smirk, "Oh, I remember."

I close my eye again, "Good. You better."

I wipe crud out of my eyes as the sound of a fan going wakes me up. I sit up in bed to see Wrigley sleeping across my legs. I shake my head fondly as I reach for my phone. I read the sticky note which is attached to it.

Good Afternoon Mama Bear,
I told Theo that you would be coming in today, so don't worry about rushing to Wrigley. I got the fan cause I figured that would make you a lot more comfortable. Enjoy your day off! I'll be home before you know it.

Love, Papa Bear 🐻

I chuckle at his drawing attempt at a bear. I check the time on my phone, and my eyes widen when I see that it's already 6:50pm. I slept all day! I sigh before getting out of bed. I pad to the kitchen, and I get out a carton of Gelato before padding back to the bedroom. I climb into the bed again, and I turn the tv on to WGN.  It's the pregame stuff for the Cubs game. I shove a spoonful of gelato into my mouth, and I almost spit it out when I feel a kick to my bladder. I groan as I swallow the Italian ice cream before hurrying(as much as one can when twenty week almost twenty one weeks pregnant with twins) to the bathroom.

Once I deal with that I almost walk with a hop in my step when I see that the game has started. I smile softly when I see all the boys take the field. My phone dings, and I take a quick glance at the text Austin sent me. My eyes widen before I 'spring' out of the bed to put clothes on. Then, I practically throw Wrigley's vest on before dragging him to my car, "Come on, Wrigley! I have to go fix Austin's mess."

I move my seat back a little to account for the babies, and I sigh as I turn out of the drive way. I can't catch a break, can I? Why did Austin have to reset all of the computers that were attached to the cameras?

When I reach Wrigley field I practically slam my car door shut before letting Wrigley jump out of the back. I'm on autopilot as I waddle to the press room. I open the door to be met with Austin, and the rest of the photography team as well as those who run the social media's for the Cubs. I glare at Austin before going to each and every computer in the room to remake the tether between the computers and the cameras.

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