I Knew

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I wake up at 4:30am the next morning, and I sneak out of the bed to have a coughing fit. Then,I give Wrigley his breakfast, and I manage to get dressed in a tank top that says 'Don't Quit', and grey pair of sweatpants. I then take my Ventolin Inhaler, and I take my nebulizer into the next room to take my AccuNeb, and Pulmoyzne. I grab my Vitamin A,D,E, and K supplements, and I take them down quickly with a swig of water. Then, I walk back Into the bedroom, and i drag Anthony out of bed, "Come on, Tony! I want to go for a walk."

He grumpily gets out of bed, and gets dressed in a blue pair of shorts, and a long sleeve,blue, and grey underarmor shirt. I then hand him my Cubs tumbler, which is filled with coffee. He smiles slightly, and lets out a content sigh after taking a sip. He nods, "Okay, we can go now"

I chuckle, and I grab Wrigley's leash on the way out.

Anthony doesn't know it, but we are going to The Bean. We have to stop every so often so that I can cough, but we make great time. Anthony realizes where we are going when we pass the hotel that me and Regan stayed at. He looks at me questioningly, "The Bean?"

I nod, "Yup. The Bean."

He smiles, "Why The Bean?"

I sigh, "I'll tell you when we get there"

He nods, "Okay. I'll take that"

I chuckle as we come to stand in front of The Bean. Anthony then leads me over to a bench, and he looks at me, "So why did you drag me know a walk at 4:30am?"

I smirk, "Do you remember when you brought me here? On the day we met?"

He nods, "How could I forget? I literally knocked over the love of my life"

I laugh sadly, "Well I have a confession to make"

Anthony becomes worried, "You're not breakimg up with me? Are you?"

I quickly shake my head with wide eyes, "NO! No, no, no. I would never do that."

He let's out a big breath, "Okay. Continue"

I look down at my feet, "I think I knew there was something wrong with me"

Anthony looks at me confused, "What do you mean?"

I sigh, "I mean that I think I knew that on some level I knew that something was wrong functionally with my body. Remember, how I said that I would get pains down my legs when I ran?"

Anthony nods silently, and I continue, "Well my doctor said that it wasn't normal, but he said that my body probably couldn't handle the surgery. However, I knew subconsciously on some level that wasn't the case. It was the MS causing the pain all along, and I didn't think a thing of it. Then, I would get pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinusitis all the time growing up. The Cystic Fibrosis explains that. I knew all along the something was wrong, but I didn't do anything to find out what it was."

Anthony shakes his head,"You could have known for sure"

I give him a playful glare, "I knew, even if it was on a subconscious level. I knew something was wrong"

Anthony pulls me into him, "Think of it this way then. You knew something was wrong, but you didn't know for sure what it was. Now, you have the answers"

I sigh into his shoulder, "I guess you're right"

He pulls back to give me a knowing look, "You guess?"

I smile, "Okay! You're right"

He hums, "I thought so"

Wrigley paws at my leg, and he pulls on the leash. I turn my attention to him, "Gotta go potty?"

Wrigley yips, and Anthony takes the leash from me. He then leads Wrigley to a little grass patch where Wrigley promptly does his business. I get up, and I crutch it over to them, "You wanna go home now?"

Anthony yawns, "Yeah, that'd be nice"

I laugh, "Okay! Come on then"

The walk back isn't as bad, and we only half to stop for me to cough once. It's about 5:50am when we get back, and Anthony promptly goes back to sleep. I laugh, and I decide join him. Also, as I'm falling asleep again I feel Wrigley lay down between Anthony and I.


The Cubs win 2-1, and Kris got a Homer, so we are all jumping(well I'm hopping) around, and celebrating him. Anthony didn't do to we'll today, but I think he's just in a funk. He's so happy for Kris though heat he doesn't think know anything of it.

We get Subway on the way home. Anthony gets a sandwich that piled high with a bunch of stuff, and I couldn't even try to list everything. I however get a Italian bread sandwich with Black forest ham, Turkey breast, Swiss cheese, lettuce, and honey mustard. I give Wrigley a little piece of turkey since he has to wait.

Once we get home, and Wrigley is given his food we relax in the bed. Well I relax, and Anthony begins packing for the trip to Cleveland in a few days.

I shake my head, "You don't have to do mine. I'll get it tomorrow"

Anthony shakes his head, "No, cause then you'll over do it"

I concede, "You got me there"

He smiles, "I'll let you pack for yourself once you get the splint off"

I sigh, "Okay"

He gets up off the floor, and leans over the bed to give me a kiss, "I love you"

I smile into the kiss, "I love you too, even though your the biggest dork on the planet"

He chuckles, "Well that makes you Mrs.Dork"

I roll my eyes, and I lightly push him off, "Get back to packing, please"

He laughs, "Okay, but only because you asked so nicely"

He goes back to packing, and after awhile I see on the clock that it's 10:30pm. I reach over for my inhaler, and I shake it as always. I take two hits before setting it back down. I watch Anthony take a break from packing to play with Wrigley, and my eyes start to close. I'm asleep with a smile on my face before I even know what happened.

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