Can't Breath

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I wake up around 4:30am because my ankle begins throbbing. I force myself out of bed, and head into Anthony's kitchen. I grab the Walgreens bag that's on the counter, open it, and grab both the Coxapone for my multiple sclerosis and hydrocodone. I get a glass of water, and take the hydrocodone without any problems, but I stop to take a closer look at the Coxapone. I notice once I open the box that it an injection. I sigh loudly. Great! It's not like I'm afraid of needles, or anything. I'm gonna wait of Anthony help me with this. I set the box back on the counter, head back into the bedroom, quietly grab some clothes, and heads into the connected bathroom. I take a shower, and get dressed. I decided on a black and grey blouse, sun and moon leggings, and I put on one black doc Martin while I put my boot on my right foot. It's raining really hard, and I'm surprised that Anthony hasn't woken up yet. I watch him for a few moments, and I notice that all the excess energy that he usually has seems to be replaced with the calm aura when sleeping. I begin to feel like I'm choking, but I'm not. I clear my throat, and I'm overcome by a coughing fit. It starts off slow, but eventually I can't breath between coughs. I end up bent over on my knees, and I don't notice that Anthony has jumped out of bed. He begins rubbing my back up and down, "Samantha! Are you Okay?"

I can't talk, so I shake my head. Anthony gets up off his knees, and begins to get dressed. He grabs my purse and throws it across his shoulders. Then, despite my lack of help Anthony somehow managed to get me into a standing position. He ushers me into his car, and he steps on the gas. I'm still coughing, but I'm gripping onto the door handle for dear life. Anthony makes it to the hospital in 5 minuets, which is a record time for him. Considering it usually takes 20 minuets. Anthony jumps out of the car, all but rips me out of the car,  and ushers me into the emergency room. Mikki is already waiting for me. Anthony must have called when he was getting dressed. Mikki grabs my arm, and pushes me into a room. Geez! I'm only having trouble breathing. It's not that serious. Mikki closes the door behind Anthony, "So,I hear you're having trouble breathing?"

I nod slowly, cause even though the coughing has stopped by now I'm not confident in my ability to keep it that way.

Mikki nods, "Did you take you medicine?"

I point to my ankle, and nod. Then, I gesture to my whole body, and shake my head no.

"You took the Hydrocodone, but not the Coxapone" Mikki questions

I nod silently.

Mikki doesn't say anything, but she shoves a medical gown into my hands, and point towards the bathroom. I sigh, and walk into the bathroom. I worm my way into the gown, and walk back out. I sit back on the bed dejected. Mikki lays me down, and without warning me sticks an IV in my arm. I almost punch her in the face, but Anthony is restraining me. Clearly, they had a certain conversation while I was in the bathroom. The struggle causes me to have another coughing fit. Mikki rushes out of the room, and returns with a nebulizer. It's already filled with medicine, so she shoves it in my mouth. There is instant relief, and I sigh. My eyes close, and I let the nebulizer do it's job.  I open on eye, and I see Anthony relax for the first time since he got up.
Mikki heads to the door, "I'll be back in 10 minuets to check on you"

She then walks out the door, and I'm left with Anthony. He sets my purse down on the table on the other side of the bed, and he sits down in the seat to my right. Then, he takes my hand in his, and squeezes gently. "Samantha? Why didn't you take your medicine? We probably could have avoided this if you had taken it" he asks sadly

I take the nebulizer out of my mouth, "It's an injection, so I was gonna wait for you to get up. Cause I know that I would have trouble doing it myself"

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