Wish: Seventh Grade

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Seventh Grade

Yunho and Jaejoong are best friends. They were the best of friends that Jaejoong developed a deep feeling for his so called best friend. He stared at his best friend beside him and admired Yunho'd cute features with a serious face while listening to the teacher. Yunho didn't went to class yesterday because of family problems but it was resolved that's why he came back to school.

The teacher kept on lecturing while Yunho was jotting down note. Jaejoong was jotting down notes, too, but the important details only because he kept on staring at Yunho. Soon after, the class ended. They pakced their stuffs together and went to the cafeteria for lunch. They went to eat with their other friends; Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin.

They occupied a table for five people. Yunho and Jaejoong went to take their orders. They are in charged in taking orders and bringing them to their table. It has been the routine of everyone. They were happily chatting together. "So Jae hyung." Junsu whispered to Jaejoong so that their other friends wouldn't hear them. "Did you confess already to Yunho hyung?" He asks.

Jaejoong looked at Yunho who was happily chatting with Yoochun and Changmin. He sighed and hanged his head low. "No. I didn't confess, yet. I don't know what to say. If I confess I get a feeling that our friendship would be ruined and never come back again. You know I don't want us to be awkward. I'm just too afraid." He whispered to Junsu.

Leaning back on his seat, "Hyung, I know that Yunho hyung feels the same way to you. Why don't you make a move first maybe you'll find out next that he loves you, too." Junsu said and took a bite on his food. Jaejoong just pretended he didn't hear him and just looked at Yunho. He smiled when he saw Yunho smile and it was enough to satisfy him.

After lunch, they went back to their classes and as usual, the class began. Yoochun and Junsu were in the same class while Changmin was below a year of them. But ever since diapers, they've been freinds. Yoochun and Junsu are in a relationship and people already know that and they kind of accepted it since they look cute and too good each other.

What people didn't get is that Yunho and Jaejoong's relationship. Are they lovers or just best friends? Whenever they will go out together, people would always mistaken them as a couple even though they're in such a young age. But they will always deny because it was the truth. No matter how Jaejoong want to be with Yunho as lovers, he knows that it would be impossible.

Jaejoong sighed and listened to the teacher's lectures. He didn't even notice that Yunho was stealing a glance on him. Althought he knows that Yunho sees him as a friend only, Yunho was too mysterious to be spotted. The class went to smoothly like any other day. After a few hours they were dismissed and ready to go home,

While Jaejoong was packing his things, someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned arround just to see Yunho smiling at him. "Jae, can I borrow your notes from yesterday? I just want to make up from my missed lectures." He said and Jaejoong nodded. Getting his notes and giving it to Yunho with a sincere smile. "Thank you." Yunho said and kissed Jaejoong's cheek.

It wasn't so surprising because Yunho always do it ever since they were kids. They went home together since their houses are just a few blocks away. Junsu would always be with Yoochun, driving him home. Yunho and Jaejoong used to walking, even though they can get whatever they wanted, they just wanted to treasure the moment being together.

Jaejoong arrived first at his house. "I guess this would be it. Thank you, Yunho, for walking me home. See you tomorrow." He said while waving at Yunho.

Yunho waved back at Jaejoong. "Okay, see you tomorrow." He said and start running towards their house just a few blocks away. 


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