Wish: Junior Year

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Junior Year

There in there Junior year. Yunho and Jaejoong would still be together. One night, Jaejoong was about to sleep when his phone vibrated. He looked at the screen and saw Yunho's name. He pressed the answer button and brought the phone to his ears. "Hello?"

"Jaejoong-ah." Yunho whispered. Jaejoong coud tell he was crying because of his crack voice.

Jaejoong leaned on his back. "Yunho? Are you crying? What happened?" He asks. It was very audible to his voice that he was worried.

Yunho sniffled. "Can you come into my house?" He asked.

Out of the blue, "Sure." Jaejoong answered and hanged up. Without hesitation, he went downstairs and grabbed a coat. He run towards Yunho's house. He was curiously on why was Yunho crying. It saddens him whenever he will the one he love, crying.

He arrived in front of Yunho's eyes and pressed the door bell. After a few minutes, the door opened and he saw Yunho with puffy, red, swollen eyes. "Yunho-ah, what happened?" He asks again.

Yunho walk towards Jaejoong and hugged him. His tears fell once again. "Jae, it hurts." He whispered. Jaejoong was confused. "It hurst so much." He whispered again. His voice was getting heavier because he can't control his tears.

Jaejoong hugged Yunho back and rubbed his palms on Yunho's back. "It's okay, Yunho, it's okay. I'm here." He whispered back. He pushed Yunho inside and dragged him on the living room. He sat next to  Yunho on the couch and faced him. He put his hands on Yunho;s thighs. "Now, tell me what happened?" He asks.

Yunho wiped his tears. "It's Seugi." He whispered. By the mention of the name, Jaejoong's heart shattered into pieces. "She cheated on me." He said and tears started to leak out from his eyes. "I book a restaurant for our dinner date. I went to her house. I was going to fetch on her when I heard moans coming from the inside of the house. I went to the kitchen and peeped on the window and I saw Seulgi with an unfamiliar guy making out." He said. "It hurted me. I ran and cancel the booking in the restaurant." He said and burst into tears.

Jaejoong sighed and brought Yunho into his embrace. "It's okay. Cry all you want. I'm here." He whispered. Yunho hugged him back and he cried out loud saying how stupid he was to date Seulgi. He was shouting and screaming about his broken heart and Jaejoong listened to it all with sincerity.

Ever since in the beginning, Jaejoong was against there relationship because he knows one day, some girl like Seulgi would just hurt him and break his heart. He knew this woud happen and he just sighed and listened to Yunho's blabbering.

After a few minutes of crying, Yunho finally calmed down. "Yunho, I think you should sleep now. Look, how's late it is. Come on, let's go to your room." Jaejoong said and dragged Yunho upstairs where Yunho's room was located. Opening the door, Yunho went right into his bed and lies down. Jaejoong went towards the bed and tucked Yunho in.

Lifting the covers up to Yunho's neck. "Jae." Yunho called. Jaejoong turned to looke on his beautiful teary eyes. "Thank you very much. I know you're my best friend. Thank you for listening to me." He said and went to kissed Jaejoong's cheeks.

Jaejoong smiled, "You're welcome. Just call me if you have a bad day and I will come to listen to you." He said and smiled. "I would be going now." He said.

"Okay." Yunho answered. Before Jaejoong could open the door. "Jae, I'm sorry for the trouble." He whispered bit very audible to Jaejoong's ears.

Jaejoong turned to Yunho. "It's okay. I'll be going now." And one last time, they waved goodbye.

When he locked the front door, he went running to his house with tears streaming down his cheeks. He was hurt to see Yunho crying and it hurt him more that Yunho woud be never love him more than a friend. Lif is so selfish that's what Jaejoong belief. On that night, he was crying on his bed.


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