07 | lancement

154 10 8

Lancement > > {french} launching, start, initiation, pitch


She told us that we have outdone my report by bringing the artistic vision of it to life through Nick's graphics.

She continued to tell us that we would be meeting much more frequently with the rest of the team, headed by Jana, to discuss the ropes. She would put us in charge of a new column, per her request, and we would need to pull ideas for the column every two weeks.

I saw Nick's face twitching. I could really feel the sentiment at this very moment. It was a definite no to working the Gazette.

She must've seen our sour faces, and her face crumpled as well, mimicking ours.

"I know that the Gazette has taken quite a turn within the last two years," she started gently, "but somehow I haven't found anyone who could turn the Gazette around, until I saw the report and opportunity."

She pulled out dull grey files from her side. I believe that it is both our permanent records.

"Nicholas Spencer," she opened his file first to the right page, "a history of skipping soccer practice since freshman year, underage day drinking in the middle of passing periods, notably skipping assemblies when your father comes into school—and currently residing in this library for lunchtime detention."

Nick shrugged. My eyes widened at the revelations of his character. And the real reason why he is in the library.

Miss Birdie pulled mine next. "Haley Winchester. No known heedless rash behaviour until this past month when an altercation happened with another school during a school funded cheer camp. Circumstances have led you to be suspended from the team until the spring semester."

There goes the secret to my suspension. Well, partly.

It was Nick's turn to arch his eyebrow, gazing at me inquisitively.

"I'll give an incentive for you both to join the Gazette this year," she pointed out to both of us, "the appeal to reduce your sentences."

I'm sure Nick and I gave her the same gaze—one of doubt and scrutiny. Does this mean I could still be cheerleading? Does this mean I could act like a cheer coach slash captain for the team? Or does it mean I can cheer again before States? Or would it—

"...We're not in court, and I would like my lawyer," Nick drawled, his voice breaking my line of thoughts. I gritted my teeth. On the other hand, Nick could jeopardize my comeback to the team, considering we are supposed to work together.

"No need for lawyers, Mr. Spencer," Miss Birdie laughed, a hearty sound in the otherwise quiet library, "but some parts of your colourful record could be erased."


My suspension from the team could be erased.

"If I join the Gazette, does it mean my suspension from the cheer team could be erased from my permanent record?" I asked slowly, letting myself gaze her brown eyes. They were too full of hope.

"It could be simply rewritten as choosing a different extracurricular for junior year, and you can resume cheerleading again, as Captain for senior year, like nothing happened," she smiled at me. She knows this will sway me, and that is criminal.

Nick must've sensed the change.

"Sure, Haley's record can be erased, but what about—"

"You're in the brink of an actual school suspension," my favourite teacher deadpanned, her face morphing into a concerned glare. "With your near-perfect grades, it is saddening to see a bright young mind have these records, and you could go to a great university in the future!"

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