12. You complete me

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"I can't. I will take any abuse, but no one can get away treating the one I love, that is you, the way your family did. I will see it through. Know this Zainab, if anyone hurt you, even if it is me, I will destroy them" I told her and meant every word of it.

Zainab just kept her head on my chest which is the perfect place for it to be and stood still. I know she doesn't approve of how I will deal with her family, but they cross the limit the moment they hurt the one true thing in my life.

"Can you ask that guy to hold it for atleast a day or two darling? Until you think it over? Good, bad or ugly, end of the day, they are family. Aren't they?" She asked me.

"The moment they disrespected you, they are no longer relevant. Sweetheart drop it, no one gets away hurting you" I told her. "You should know when to stop being loyal. May be you don't mind your father speaking to you like that, but not when I am living and breathing" and surprisingly she gave me a tight hug for what I said.

"Lets go home. Its almost midnight" and I agreed. I need work to do.

Zainab was very silent in the car. The she spoke accusingly "You are very stubborn, you know"

"I know babe. And that is exactly why you love me so much"

"You are impossible too"

"And you love me more"

And we just drove until I came to her apartment. "Babe, go inside. I don't trust myself to come in. Please don't work yourself up to something. If anyone, anything bothers you so much as a whisper, you will call me. Okay. Promise me?"

"Okay. I promise"

"Love you babe. Sleep well" I gave her  a quick kiss. I don't trust myself to behave if I stay longer.

"Love you too. Always" And that is a good enough promise.

I drove home. My beach house, which is one of the most expensive properties in the world, looked kind of empty. Zainab will fill in my house perfectly. Her grace will make this house a home for me. She will complete me.


My phone rang around 3 a.m and I thought it was Stuart. But surprise, it was dad.


"Walaikumsalaam" Munira


"Ahem.. We need to apologize for what happened today. You see, we didn't know Mr.Stuart is an important , powerful man. We will apologize to him too. Please ask him not to evict us with a days notice from the house. There is no where to go. And dad need his business license to work. He cancelled it. Faiza's fiancé is fired from the company and Shermila's fiancé is asked to stop practicing at the local hospital. We are truly sorry about what happened today"

Oh darling. What have you done?

"I cant change his mind. Every time I begged you and dad not to accuse me of things I am innocent of. All of you tortured me for years, I kept quite. If Stuart didn't intervene I would still keep quite and take all your abuse. But now that you hurt me, he will protect me and do whatever it is to make sure you all regret treating me like dirt. Even if I want to help, I cant"

"Please. I always wanted the best for you. I treated you just like how I treated my own daughters. You cant do this to your own family"

"You know it is utter crap. Sorry, if there is a next time, please be careful" and I hang up. I need to talk to Stuart and make him understand things. I can make him see things inshallah. That's the least I can do for my family.

(Billionaire Playboy) A Flower in Heaven - ZahraWhere stories live. Discover now