The Beginning Of My New Life

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There was once a girl name Nkauj. Her family lived in poverty, but her mother and father work very hard everyday and barely managed to make enough to pay the bills. As for Nkauj, she has 8 sisters and 8 brothers. Yes, it is a very big family. Nkauj was the eldest of seventeen children. She started high school a few days ago. The ones after her were the twins Hli, and Noog. They were in eighth grade. Next came the quadruplets; Suav, Pov, Tooj, and Kub . These four are in seventh grade. Next came the triplets; Hnub, Sua Naag, and Ntaub. They are in sixth grade. Then came Ntxhw whose is in fourth grade. Next came the triplets; Npauj Npaim and Paj. These girls are in second grade. Lastly came the last pair of triplets; Yeej, Txooj, and Teeb which is currently in first grade. Soon Nkauj's parents started to argue about being so poor and that they couldn't even buy their own kids something they want or need. Nkauj's parents would argue day after day on how miserable their marriage is, and would talk about a divorce. As they argue Nkauj tries to calm down her siblings from not worrying too much. Even though in her heart she knows that they no longer loved each other. As a few days go by Nkauj's parents continued to argue. Every night she and her siblings would cry themselves to sleep worrying for their parents. As three months went by, Nkauj came home to her mother and father sitting there holding pens signing a paper sitting with a lawyer. This was when she realized that they were going to get a divorce. She ran to her parents begging them not to part.

"Please, please, mom don't get a divorce with dad. Don't you two love your children anymore?"cried Nkauj.

"(laughs) You silly girl, I don't care about you. Not anymore. You and your siblings ruined everything for me. So let me be, go on you little disgusting brat, get out of my face!" Yelled Nkauj's mother

As Nkauj cried her mother pushed her to the side signing the divorce documents. As she finished signing the papers she got her suitcase and walked to her car. As she got to her car she drove off smiling and looking happy finally being free from that suffocating marriage. Nkauj sat on the ground sobbing. Then she held her father's hand begging him not to leave them too.

"Dad....Please don't leave us. We need you, mom doesn't want us anymore. Please....don't leave." cried Nkauj.

"(sigh), Sweetie I am not going to leave you and your siblings to suffer, ok. Now get up and don't cry i'll be here." said Nkauj's father

Nkauj stopped crying as she heard her father said he would not leave. Soon she noticed that her father was dating a woman he met on a business trip. Her name was Duab Ntxoo, she is so beautiful and she is very kind when dad is here. When he leaves us with her she does not like us or treat us like she does when dad is here. I know that she is a FAKE. Three years later my father came home and started to pack his things, as if he is leaving.

I asked him, "Dad, where are you going? Why are you packing your whole wardrobe?"

"Oh.... I am going on a trip with Duab Ntxoo. You are now a senior so you could watched your siblings for two months, right?." said her dad

"Oh... ok I guess I could watch them. Well have fun on your trip! Be safe!" said Nkauj

As her dad went with Duab Ntxoo, she waved goodbye with her evil looking face. The next day Nkauj went shopping for groceries and saw her mother with another man which Nkauj already knew that it was her lover. So before she was even thinking Nkauj ran to her mother and held her hand.

"Mom please come home... Please are you really going to abandon us?" said Nkauj as she teared up.

"Ugh, get away from me.. You ugly brat!" yelled her mother.

As Nkauj was pushed away her mother walked off with her new lover forgetting all the happiness she had with us her real family. Nkauj was left alone there teared up and she felt as if her heart had been torn into millions of pieces. As Nkauj stood there people started to stare at her so, she left the store with her groceries and went back home. When she got home, Hli asked Nkauj if she has been crying and why. So as Nkauj explained what had happened at the store to all of her siblings. After the explanation everyone felt their hearts breaking into pieces. Seven months went by and Nkauj's father still has not returned from his trip. So as she heard the news go on. She ran to watch it. The news reporter said;

    "Today, on the news we have finally found the lost plane . It had failed due to lack of fuel and the engine failing. One of the passengers on this plane was the assistant of the CEO, 'Nplooj Hawj'. As we had found the bodies of others as well. For those of you who had friends and family on this flight, I am very sorry for your loss. Please come and have a funeral for those who lost their lives here."

When the news cast was over all Nkauj could think of was 'what were her dad's final thought before he died in the plane crash'. She dropped to the ground bursting into tears. As soon as her siblings heard Nkauj crying, they all ran into the living room and asked what happened. When they all saw how sad and how much pain Nkauj was in they just got down and hugged her. They all heard the news from Nkauj and that's why she was crying.  After the news was delivered everyone had tears running down their cheeks. A few days went by and everything was dark and depressing.

     "A day or two had gone by now. It feels as if dad left yesterday for his trip looking happy and proud of us all. But now everything looks as if time had stopped and nothing matters anymore. It is so lonely, dark. I no longer know what to do. The day of the funeral has finally come. The hardest day for everyone, to see their love one gone...FOREVER. That feeling hurts so bad" said Nkauj with tears running down her face.

As the children arrive to the funeral house, they all went in and sat down. They saw the casket where their father was in. Everyone was then allowed to go up to the casket and say their last goodbyes to their loved one. When Nkauj's siblings went up to say their final words to their father they cried and cried. As the others went up to Nkauj's father, Nkauj stayed in the far back too scared to walk up and say goodbye to her father because she was not ready to let her father go yet. She finally got the courage to walk up to her father.

As Nkauj stood there staring at her father she never really got to ever see him like this before. He was so calm and stress free, its been a long time that she has not seen this facial expression. She continued to stand there looking at her father trying to be strong, holding her emotions in but she couldn't bare with it so she burst into tears.


A few hours went by, they hours felt like seconds coming by so quickly. Eventually Nkauj had to take her siblings home because they had school the next day. As they got home they did their usual routine of helping one another and going to school. With the funeral and their father gone, it started to affect their schooling. Eventually they realized that no matter what their dad is not going to come back. They eventually got through it by supporting and help each other. Soon their grades and schooling got back on track, but everything is never going to be the same again.

     "I am graduating high school in four days, what am I going to do. I am so stressed with my small part time job and living with my aunt who don't even like us (sigh). How am I supposed to go onto college." stressed Nkauj


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