Meeting Kai For Coffee

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"Hello, yes Kai what can I help you with?" asked Nkauj.

"Hello there Nkauj, are you available right now?" asked Kai.

"Yes I am why did you want to know?"asked Nkauj.

"I wanted to know because I want to know what else happened so I can see if I can help you with anything." said Kai.

"Oh sure, meet me at the coffee shop where you and I first met in thirty minutes."said Nkauj.

"Alright then I will see you then."said Kai as he hung up.

Nkauj came out of the room and went to grab her purse, as she was grabbing her purse she was also putting on her shoes. Kyle asked Nkauj where she was going and Nkauj said that she was going to meet with a friend at a coffee shop. Kyle hesitated for a moment but then he let Nkauj go. Kyle told Nkauj that she has to make it quick because it was very cold outside, Nkauj agreed and walked out the door. Kyle and the other men and women in the house with him were continuing on what they were planning. Nkauj overheard what they were saying before she walked out the door, as Nkauj arrived to the coffee shop Kai was already there sitting down waiting for Nkauj. Nkauj then went to sit with Kai and they had some coffee and laughs, then Nkauj just remembered that before she left there was this group of people that were in the house with Kyle and that they were all wearing gray clothing. Kai was wondering and thought to himself that the only people that wear all gray were the Wild Wolves. Nkauj was wondering what Kai was thinking because he zoomed out for a moment. As Kai came back from his deep thoughts he asked Nkauj what was her husband's name again. Nkauj answered that his name is Kyle.

"Kyle? What is his last name?" asked Kai.

"His last name is Denver." siad Nkauj.

"Denver! I am sorry I am not trying to scare you but do you know what his job is?"said Kai.

"Umm, he told me that he was a businessman and that he is very busy with his workers." said Nkauj.

Kai was worried that Nkauj did not really know what Kyle was. Kai told Nkauj that he had to go and attend a meeting with one of his clients. Nkauj then said goodbye to Kai and went home, when Nkauj arrived home, Kyle was filled with anger and slapped Nkauj. Nkauj was shocked at why Kyle would do that to her.

"Kyle why did you slap me?" asked Nkauj.

"You really thought that I wouldn't know. I thought that you were meeting with a friend, not a man having coffee together laughing and staring into each other's eyes!" yelled Kyle.

"What do you mean? I was meeting with my friend Kai, he and I are just friends and nothing more."said Nkauj with a tear running down her cheek.

Nkauj got up and went to the bedroom and locked the door. She took out her suitcase and started to pack her things. An hour later she came out the bedroom and told Kyle that she was going to leave. Kyle was filled with rage, and his eyes were filled with nothing but coldness and someone heartless. He may be kind at times but Nkauj is thinking that, the whole kind attitude and patience were all just an act. That his true self was someone who was heartless and cold. Nkauj walked out the door and Kyle came out of the house and pulled Nkauj's hand very hard. Nkauj slapped Kyle and told him to let her go and that she never loved him, she may be his childhood friend but then she never loved him the way he loves her. Kyle then let go of Nkauj's hand and told her that she will not be safe once she leaves him. Nkauj told Kyle that she can not live with someone that will hit her for no reason and someone who has so many secrets. Nkauj got in her car and drove to Elena's home.

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