Chapter Seven: Innocent and Psychopathic-

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Motto held onto his aunt's hand. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he held his aunt back from attacking his step mother.
"L-Let go." The woman insisted clawing at the 15 year old's hand.
"J-Jantje no..." he whispered worryingly.
Lenn slowly walked into the house and Jantje grabbed the front of her shirt and pulled her close so they were chest to chest. "Y-You! you! I despise you!" She spit in her face.
Lenn furrowed her eyebrows.  "W-What!? what would have you done!? Let her suffer, that's what you would've done you psycho bitch!" Lenn shrieked.
Jantje narrowed her eyes and slammed Lenn up against the oak door. "Y-You won't g-get away with this! I-I will have Majalis unleash all hell on your pretty little ass!"
"You are a child!!!" Lenn screamed and pushed her back and Jantje pushed her back. "Y-You're a f-f*cking child!" She shrieked angrily.
"Y-You're Matricidal!" She screamed back and Lenn shook her head, glaring up at her.
"Don't you dare speak of that!" She hissed.
Motto screamed and cried falling to his knees. "See!!! Look what you F*cking did! look what you did!" Lenn screamed. Jantje widened her eyes and slowly went to comfort her nephew. "N-No no no, you do not dare touch him!" Lenn hissed slapping Jantje's hand away.
Jantje gave an offended look then walked off, sitting on the window in the other room, staring out at the rain.

Hello hello! It's Grijs~ I'm posting more regularly at my Tumblr Acct-
So if you want updates every Wednesday, I suggest reading from there!

Saying that- hej då~

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