Chapter Nine: Innocent and Psychopathic- Take Me Back to the Past Pt. One

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The date was January 23rd of 1993-
The small albino girl walked through the hallways, people flocking out of her way. Absolutely disgusted by difference.
She held a pile of neatly stacked cards which she homemade with the help of her father's.
They were birthday invitations. "H-Hey, I'm having a pa-" she would start, holding the card out politely to kids, only to have it slapped out of her hand or ripped up right in front of her.
At the end of the day she had one card left hanging from her fingers, some boy pulling it right out of her hands.
"H-Hey!" She whined grabbing back for her letter.
"It's your birthday, eh?" He hummed a subtle accent on his tongue.
"Y-Yes." She mumbled, her accent thick.
"How old you gonna be sweetcheeks?" He asked looking down at her.
"17." She said anxiously.
"With how pretty you are I bet everyone's coming." He said with a soft laugh, turning to walk away.
"N-No one's coming..." she mumbled, tears bubbling up in her eyes.
The 18 year old turned around quickly. "H-Huh?" He mumbled and she looked up at him. "I'm coming, you need a ride home? wanna come to the store with me, we'll buy you somethin' pretty."
Grijs eyes lit up then she furrowed her eyebrows. "Y-You're being serious?" She asked and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"Of course I am!" He laughed dragging her out the door.
"T-The school day isn't even over yet!" She laughed.
He slid a cigarette in his mouth and laughed. "You think I don't know that?" He snickered, opening the passenger door for the smaller lady.
Grijs got in and smiled, his car smelling like beer and marijuana. He slammed his door shut and the car started up with a rumble. "It smells nice in here." She whispered and he smiled softly.
"Good..." He whispered in return.

"So you are?" the boy asked.
Grijs hummed leaning back in her seat, a blindfold over her eyes. "I'm Grijs Hein... and you?"
"Lenn Winston." He replied.
She furrowed her eyebrows. "W-Wait, you're Leon-" she started and he slammed on the brakes.
"D-Don't you dare!" He yelled. She raised a shaky hand to her chest and tears ran down her cheeks.
Lenn looked over, his eyes widened. "I-I thought you were different!" She screamed, mascara trailing down her cheeks. "E-Everyone! everyone is the same here!" She continued, slapping his thigh and he went to grab her hand, but stopped himself. "O-Oh Yeah!! T-The adopted girl wi-with the gay parents! t-the adopted girl who w-was sexuality assaulted for who knows how long!! t-the high ass who drinks her problems away! T-The teen m-mum!!!!" She screamed.
Lenn widened his eyes, cupping her cheeks, and pressing his lips against hers, his eyes closed tightly.

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