Still Not Fond of Doctors

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Shachi and Penguin tripped over each other, trying to get closer to the captain and his patient. They were both yelling, and several of the other members were trying to keep them clear of Law. The entire crew followed him like a traveling rave.

The noise continued outside after Law closed his bedroom door. He laid Aisuru out on the bed, took Sam's heart out of his jacket and at it on his desk, where it beat frantically, then sat on the bed with his feet on the floor. He blindly opened Aisuru's bloody hand, tracing her fingers one at a time.

"I don't think you cut yourself deep enough to need stitches." He informed her quietly. "And from what I know of the dose-dose fruit, the effects should wear off soon. I do need to clean your hand, though. Will you be alright if I leave for a minute?"

She snorted. "How old... Do you think I am? Four?" Even after the removal of the sea-prism necklace and the approximate two hours since first being affected by the dose-dose fruit, her voice was tired and strained.

"You're right." Law forced himself to smile. "But you make decisions like a four year old." He stood, keeping his back to her. "I'll be out for a few minutes. The crew will likely have questions. Bepo will be right outside."

"Bring back food?"

He waved his acknowledgment. Law closed the door gently, somehow afraid that loud noises could upset Aisuru. He just wanted to keep things calm and quiet for her. It couldn't be that hard, right?



It was hard to tell the two apart. Shachi and Penguin stood closest to him, hands clasped as they stared at him with wide eyes. Ikkaku also joined the circle, with Jean standing in front of the rest of the crew.

"Ikkaku-ya, please get Aisuru-ya something to eat. I doubt she's had anything yet today. Something light." He turned to Shachi and Penguin with a sigh. "You two, change into something inconspicuous. Go to the theatre. Around back is a small alley way. There will be a trap door. Follow it down, and retrieve the bellies and Aisuru's jacket, if possible. Keep your ears open for any rumors of our presence here, or something called 'project beloved'."

They nodded, scampering off to their own quarters.

"Captain." Jean stood stoically, waiting for his orders.

Law gave him a thoughtful once over. "I had an interesting encounter. Why don't you check the fruit vendors for anything... unusual. The rest of you are dismissed for now."

The crew seemed reluctant to disband, but knew better than to crowd their captain. Besides, Aisuru was likely to recount her story over dinner, and she was the more engaging personality anyway.

Law traversed the sub to and from the operating room alone. He only needed a few things, and didn't stop for anything else. Bepo was standing guard when he returned. The bear saluted him, then opened the door.

"I don't see food." the egg chair swiveled to face him. Aisuru sat cross legged, frantic heart held in both hands in her lap. She still looked tired, but she was obviously strong enough to walk short distances by herself, and she sounded stronger. "So, uh, I hope this one's not mine, because I don't like to think that you'd leave it laying around."

"Never." he set the bucket of items by the door and stepped up to Aisuru. Law took her hands, and consequently Sam's heart, in his. There were so many things he could say; that he wanted to say. But they all sounded like too much, or too little. Or simply not right. "Never."

She smirked. "Good. I wanted to try something, anyway." Her grip tightened to the point Law thought the heart would burst.

He pried it from her and set it back on the table, where it continued to beat weakly. "Don't do that. You would end his life much too quickly."

"Captain!" she clutched the hole in her chest dramatically, leaning back in the chair, "It sounds like you might have feelings for me after all. Why ever else would you be so angry with a stranger?"

"Just because?" He asked, watching for her reaction.

She stopped her theatrics and puffed out her cheeks, but her tone was serious. "I really don't think you would do it 'just because'. Anyway, you're not being very fun right now."

Law sighed, setting the items from the bucket on the desk, beside the heart. A sponge and two small towels. He stepped into his bathroom and filled the bucket with soapy water. When he returned, Aisuru was hidden under the blankets.

"You washed them this morning!" she grumbled, sounding as though her head were under the pillow. "They don't need it for another day!"

He smirked. "You were handled by a slimy toad and then rolled around on the ground. I'd say we need to clean your stitches."

"What are you going to trade me for it?"

"Hah?" He leaned over her, "I'm doing you a service. You should give me something."

"No way!" Aisuru pulled all the blankets in underneath herself, making a bundle on the bed. "You're the one who wants to do something to my body, and I demand to be paid!"

Law snorted. "What are you, a prostitute? Get out here."

"No! And yes, actually." She said, sounding sullen. "So I know what my body is worth. Either trade me for access, or go away."

He set the bucket down, all trace of humor gone. He was frustrated by her refusal to be treated, yes, but something about thinking of her in that situation left him feeling drained. "Why would you do that to yourself?" He sat next to her, careful not to sit on her. Tanner's disgusting voice forced its way into his thoughts. She looks like the perfect little whore. He could happily go back and torture him again.

She peeked at him from under the pillow. "First, it's not like I actually had a choice. And then, I mean, I had to go places. I had to eat. I had to sleep. And I had nothing. It's not like I got any diseases, though. I just learned what people are willing to pay for me."

He frowned. "I'm not sure what to think of that, Aisuru-ya. Knowing your history, it's very important to make sure you didn't contract-"

"WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A DOCTOR ALL THE TIME!?" she hid her head again, smacking him through the blankets.

"I-" Law realized that she didn't want a doctor. It was too bad she had ended up on his ship. "I don't want to have to trade you anything, Aisuru-ya." He looked down at his hands. "I am a doctor, whether you want me to be or not. I just want to make you healthy, and keep you that way. I just want you to stay safe. Is that not a fair trade?"

Aisuru sat up, looking very petulant with her bottom lip sticking out as she scowled at him. "I guess." She held out her injured hand. Her shoulders sagged a little. "You're really not going to trade me anything good?"

"Health." He took her by the wrist to keep her from changing her mind and used one wash cloth to clean her hand. There were several small, crescent shaped punctures, just deep enough to bleed. "There. Now, can I do the others?"

"Fiiiiine..." she pulled down the straps to her cami and forced the top of it to her waist, then laid out on her stomach with her arms as a pillow. Her feet toyed with the real pillow at the head of the bed.

Law unclasped her bra for better access to the area where the grappling hook had done its damage. As he gently tended her wounds, a memory flitted through his thoughts. Now was as good of a time as any, he supposed. "Aisuru-ya,what was 'Project Beloved'?"

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