Chapter two

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He finally spoke.

"sorry kid" he said. " I'm pretty sure I've cleared up the last of the supplies in this house. Go and check another house"

I just stared at him in awe. "Scram" he said.

I still didn't say anything.

He looked me up and down once again and realised I was still in my pyjama's.

" Do you live here?" he asked. I had to reply by now or he would begin to think I was a little weird.

My voice was hoarse and shaky but I managed to get  it out. " y y-es"  I said shortly. He thought about it for a moment and I looked away from his growing stare.

"Do you know what is going on? he asked.

"No, is it bad?" I asked.

He took me over to the desk where I could sit down and told me what he knew.

I was in awe. Is this really what life was now?! A world of mindless dead walking around? The tall man collected all his supplies up and turned around and walked to the door. As he reached the door he turned around and said one more thing to me. " Oh and by the way don't get bit and DON'T go into the bathroom" I nodded and he left. I thought for a moment about what he had said and then headed back downstairs.

The T.V was still on just as I had left it and my 'old' dad was still lightly thudding against my bedroom door. I thought about my parents and my brother. I thought about what was in the bathroom. And to be honest I ended up thinking about a lot of things. I even thought about putting my dad and whatever was in the bathroom out of their misery. I decided that I couldn't bring myself to do it. I quickly checked the T.V. The channel had turned to snow. I flipped through a couple more until I found channel 11 news. They were broadcasting an update on what was happening and they were announcing that this was going to be their last live broadcast and they had some advice for all viewers. I listened in. * Everyone - Everyone do NOT come in contact with any of the infected. Stay away from them at all costs. Don't get bitten or scratched and stay inside.* Then the channel, like all the others, turned to snow.

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