Time with Prowl

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Hey everybot I'm here with a well waited for chapter for TE! Recap from the last chapter PROWL ASKED TWILIGHT ON A DATE! OMP! You can stop messaging me bout hints and to update now, cause here it is! Enjoy!~

I you ever made plans with someone who is in the same room as you while they are unaware of that fact? How about you do that while pretending to be the pet that is curled up into their lap?

Let me tell you, it is strange don't ever do it.

Thankfully we agreed that he could not pick me up from 'my' unit because it would risk one of my 'coworkers' finding out that I was a Enforcer and was the leak that they were looking. Nor could I go to his unit cause a) I supposedly had no clue where he was living and b) If I had a tail for when I am off it would prove even more dangerous. After much discussion we agreed that it would be best for us to meet on neutral ground, of course someone had to hack into our channel and pounced on the fact we should meet at his unit and that I should get there earlier so he can help me for our 'date'.

So Jazz'es living unit it is.

If I could I would roll my optics and smile in my true form because even though Prowl had asked for me to keep him company for his off-cycle he still went to the Enforcers HQ no doubt to see if he could still get some work before he was to pick me up from Jazz'es unit. At least he remembered to let me out so as he went one way I managed to get there and discreetly transform and knocked on the door.

But why do I get to nervous at the face splitting grin?


I still don't like baths, and showers, no surprise but Jazz pretty much locked me in his washracks and automatically turned it on right on me. He's so lucky that I don't want to wash energon off of my claws before I was to go on this date with Prowl or I would have murdered him by now. Very lucky mech indeed.

Then off course he wouldn't let me do the next part, so I had to sit absolutely still as he repainted me and even waxed me. I don't exactly mind it actually felt good but he didn't have to put me into stasis cuffs to do so. Then again, he wanted to do it right after I finally managed to get out of the pit-spawn creation called the washracks and I had not been amused on how he got me to get a bath. But really? Was the stasis cuffs and gag necessary? Then again he does really good work, I don't think my armor has ever been this shiny or good looking as far as I have ever known. But what I don't understand is both how and why he took my visor off and claimed he was not going to give it back to me till the date was over and when I came back here to get it.

As it got closer for the date I couldn't help but be confused on why the sparkrate speed-ed up and I couldn't stay still. Sure I have a bit of a crush on Prowl but I have no idea why the fact we were going out formally with each other or the fact this would be the first time he would see my optics without my visor would make me so nervous.

And apparently I was showing my nervousness outwards, much to Jazz'es amusement.

"Twi'! Stop pacin' ya 're makin MEH nervous and ah ain't goin on da date!"

I stopped mid-stride and flicked my optics over to my other adoptive littermate who had a very amused look on his face as he held out two energon cubes for me. I picked them up and looked over at him with a completely lost look. I was about to ask him what these were for when his door chime sounded out making my audios to perk up and I froze in place. My spark was going crazy as all types of scenarios rolled out through my processor on what was going to happen, after seeing my look of frozen horror Jazz actually laughed in my face and nearly knocked me over as he slapped my backstrut in a friendly way.

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