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"Levi's acting pretty strange these days, don't you think?" The tall 'stached man whispered to the Commander standing next to him, observing the short ravenette rake some cluttered fallen leaves outside the barracks.

"Pretty possessive, you say" The blue-eyed man corrected, slightly chuckling from the sight of the Captain aggressively raking the poor leaves as he glared at the bespectacled brunette who was laughing fondly with her assistant Moblit Berner, who they often refer to as the errand boy.

"He reeks" Mike bluntly said, scrunching his nose in disgust "I can smell his jealousy from here. It's a strong one" The Commander lightly shook his head in disbelief, still keeping his eyes on the fuming short man.

"Say, Erwin," The tall man called, causing for the blue-eyed Commander to turn his attention towards him "Why won't we test him?" A glint of mischief glimmered in his pair of tough pale blue eyes.

"Test?" Erwin asked, still trying to understand the 'stached man's plan completely "What do you mean, Zacharias?"

"Let's make him more jealous" The Tall man said with a playful smirk drawn on his lips "Let's test his patience" He added, anticipating the Commander's response.

"Testing Ackerman's patience sounds dangerous" Erwin crossed his arms over his chest while thinking about the mischief's plan "But it sounds like a lot of fun" The two tall men snickered as they again observed the Captain.

"Let's do it later at lunch," Mike said, turning his gaze towards the apple colored wall clock hanging on the upper part of the brick wall "Let's invite them to sit with us, then when we're all finally together, let's start the test" He added, making the Commander nod.

"Who's going to be our bait though?" Erwin asked, making Mike scrunch his prominent nose in thought. The 'stached man then looked at his Commander's eyes, passing him a silent message. Erwin raised an eyebrow from getting the man's message, making them simultaneously turn their gaze towards the lanky awkward man talking to Hanji.

"I'll go talk to him" said Mike before making his way towards the two scouts.


"Do we really have to do this, Sir Zacharias?" Berner nervously asked as him and his superior make their way towards the mess hall.

"Please, it's a very simple task. All you have to do is talk to Hanji, like what you usually do" Mike reassured, gripping both of his hands on the agitated man's shoulders "But remember what I told you, you have to be more physical with her" The lanky man looked at the 'stached man in disbelief, slightly shaking his head from side to side.

"But, Captain Ackerman is-"

"Dangerous, i know" Mike interrupted, "He's the most dangerous soldier from our division. The most dangerous soldier alive, rather" He grimly added making the man under his hold  shake in complete terror. The tall man gave the poor errand boy's shoulders a light squeeze while snickering at the sight of his mortified state. "Just go according to our plan. If Ackerman gets too aggressive, we retreat" The tall man ever so casually said, as if their subject wasn't the  same man who was entitled as the Humanity's Strongest Soldier. 

"Moblit! Mike!" A deep voice from a woman called, making both of them turn their attention towards it. 

"Perfect" Mike muttered under his breath, a small smirk started to creep on his lips as he took in the sight of the Commander sitting with the Captain and the bespectacled scout at one table. The blonde man sat across the two, calmly taking a sip from his cup of spiced chai tea. 

"I see you're here too, Zacharias" The Commander formally said, putting his cup down before planting his gaze towards the man who stood uneasily next to Mike "With Berner" Erwin then turned his gaze towards the 'stached man, crossing his legs in silent triumph and satisfaction "Why won't you both join us?" 

The tall 'stached man looked at the two clueless besotted scouts before lightly pushing the lanky perturbed man towards their side "Of course!" Mike glanced over Moblit, urging him to sit next to the brunette.

The lanky man having no choice but to follow his superior's order, sat unwillingly next to Hanji. On the other side of the bespectacled scout sat the already fuming Captain, burning holes on the side of Berner's head as he was stepping inside a boundary that he made for himself and his person.

The two tall men sitting across the three could only snicker internally from the scene happening before them. Seeing their plan going smoothly makes both of their mischievous hearts content. They for sure couldn't wait for the plan's climax.

"So Berner," The Commander started off, making the poor errand boy straighten his posture in attention "How's working with Zoe here?" He asked whilst nodding his head towards the lady.

"I-It is going w-"

"It's going fine, Erwin! It's really fun working with Moblit!" The lady enthusiastically said, draping an arm over the perturbed man's shoulders, causing for the two men across them to turn their gaze towards the ravenette who was expectedly glaring daggers towards the lady and her assistant.

Erwin and Mike bumped their fists under the table secretly because of a seemingly victorious plan of theirs. Both of them realizing that their plan to make the Captain jealous wasn't really as difficult as they thought it would be for, Levi Ackerman is a very jealous man. 

"I see," The blonde Commander responded in a calm manner, acting as if he wasn't that interested in everything that's happening before him "You two sure are inseparable" He added, casually lifting his cup of spiced chai tea up to take sips as he observed the people in front of him behind the material.

"Of course! I need Moblit in my life!" The brunette chirped, putting a hand on the man's bright honey colored hair, messing it up, making the said man to  look over towards the Captain on the other side who was seething on his seat. Moblit gulped nervously from the sight of their Captain having both of his eyes filled with rage. That was the last thing Berner wanted to see in his whole lifetime "Moblit is my-"

Not wanting to hear any of the brunette's enthusiastic rambles about her assistant anymore, the Captain grabbed a handful of her brown locks tied behind her head, turning her face towards his. His intense sharp eyes bore into her surprised hazel ones before turning his glare towards the three stunned men around them. A corner of his pinkish thin lips started to arch upward, making up a smirk before smashing his lips on her soft petal ones.

The brunette's body slightly tensed from the sudden contact of their lips and from the foreign feeling of having someone else's body part connected on her own but, she later relaxed, letting him take control. After what seemed like a sweet eternity to her, his soft thin lips detached from hers gently. The ravenette Captain planted a soft peck on her lips before turning his attention towards the three stunned men who were staring at them with wide eyes and mouths agape. An arm of his snaked around the lady's waist, pulling her towards his body possessively with his cold eyes giving each of the three men a sharp glare.

The three stupefied men stared at the two in both utter astonishment and disbelief, not having a clue of what to say. 


A/N: Do you guys read the manga?


A/N: I read the manga and I've seen a couple of leaks about chapter 132. I'm still extremely upset about what happened :( I still can't get myself to believe that it actually did happen. I'm waiting for it impatiently, now that I'm aware of it. I badly want to see it myself immediately. I still can't believe it :< Out of all the anime characters from the series/movies that I have watched, Hanji is my favourite :(

Anyways :( It's Hanji's birthday today! So, Happiest Birthday to the best character that I know! I'd like to thank Mister Hajime Isayama for making such a wonderful and unforgettable character! 

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