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❝If M O N D A Y had a face,
I'd punch it❞

❝If M O N D A Y had a face,I'd punch it❞

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No words were uttered inside her brother's car for the duration of the drive. Jin giving her a silent treatment was way worse than a ballistic Jin. She'd rather have him shout or douse her with endless lectures than nothing at all.

All the same, silence bought Lisa the luxury of solace and time to process every option at hand. First, she can tell her oppa the truth. Straight and simple. But what will she say? That she's altogether a disappointment? That she needed saving from the trouble of her own doing?

Raw shame made her choose going along with Jungkook's plan. She's not that kid in the playground anymore, who always had her siblings defend her from the bullies. And they will not be constantly there to bail her out of every mess she's got into. It's her own problem to face and no one can deal with it except for her.

Jin parked in front of the apartment flat she was sharing with Rosé. It made her sigh with gratitude. She was not that keen of going back to their family home after what had happened last night. Taehyung would be there and facing him would just be too much to bear.

Lisa nervously watched her brother drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. She was about to tell a big ass lie, hoping to channel the inner drama queen in her. If I ever have one. Lying and acting were never her strongest point. And Jin had ways of knowing if someone is keeping secrets from him, like he's had that built-in lying sensors or something.

Then there's her Jisoo-unnie who knows everything about everyone. She had eyes and ears everywhere. Big or small gossip, she knows all about them before news can even be printed for the day's headlines. If her oppa won't get anything from interrogating her, the next logical thing for him to do is consult the gossip queen.

"Care to explain, Lisa?" Jin broke the prickly stillness between them. His tone flat. His face unreadable, giving away nothing.

She took a deep breath. Then she breathed again. And again. Until all the muscles in her body were aligned, her shoulders down and her jaw slacked. Decompression was necessary to enable her pull off a charade of that magnitude. Relaxed and focused, Lisa recounted all the fabricated stories in her mind. Everytime a lie was said - which was most of the time - she can picture a thought bubble appearing above her head with the word LIAR in bold letters.

In the middle of her storytelling, Lisa's concentration evaporated with the constant buzzing of her brother's phone. The caller must be in urgent desire to contact him granted that it had been ringing persistently since they left the Jeon residence.

She abruptly halted from speaking. "Are you not taking that call oppa? Your phone has been blowing up for a while now."

His dark brows knitted in annoyance as he mouthed her an excuse. "What is it this time?" He sounded too exhausted to be bothered. This time, she thought, shamefully eavesdropping on her brother's conversation. It must be the same person he talked to earlier this morning.

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