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❝Sweet as sugar. Cold as ice.
Hurt her once. She'll kill you twice.❞


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"I came to collect your debt."

A smug statement coming from an equally smug human.


Hell no. Jeon Jungkook belonged in a completely different species of homo sapiens. If Darwin was alive, he would be more than happy to put the asshole in the pinnacle of his evolution theory.

"I wasn't aware I owe you anything," Lisa answered after recovering from the initial shock. She knew that he will eventually come for her, but she did not anticipate for it to be this soon - in less than 24 hours. Shouldn't he be resting? What about his wound? She shrugged off her questions. He can die of infection or excessive blood loss, for all she cared.

"You owe me your life," he said without preamble. "You are breathing air right now because of me."

So you're telling me to pay for oxygen? She managed to hold her tongue before nasty things spill out and cause her more trouble. "Are you here to finish what you've started last night and kill me?" She asked in lieu to her original query, as courteous as she possibly can.

His trademark arrogant smirk crossed his lips. "Instant death will be too easy, don't you think?" He declared. "I intend to play with you first. And when you start to bore me, I shall kill you in one-single-blow." He formed his hand into what looked like a gun, aimed at her while making childish sound effects.

"More fun for me. More torture on you."

Should I be glad? Lisa thought that she would get to see another day only as a form of entertainment to ease the kid's boredom. What luck.

"Sit," he ordered, cocking his head at the chair opposite his. "We have much to discuss about your lifeline and how to improve your chances of survival." He then eyed the tray of beverages that was still in her hands. "Aren't you going to serve my Americano? The other one's yours, by the way."

How did he know?

As if reading her thoughts, an answer came. "I told you. I did my research on you.

"Kim Lalisa.18.Half Italian.Grew up in Florence.Came to Seoul three years ago," he recited, ticking off his fingers with every information mentioned. "Smart, but has no manners.No social life, in short, boring.Still a virgin, even more boring."

He raised his eyebrows questioningly at her. "Did I get my facts straight? Or do you want me continue?"

Lisa stared at him, stunned. Attempting to refortify her position, she challenged, "if you did your research well, Mr. Jeon, then you should be aware that employees here are not allowed to slack around." She's done playing nice, not when he's been sticking his nose on her personal matters.

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