10 | chapter 10

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Izumi P.O.V

"Why do you have a sweater?" I say walking up the stairs to his length. That's when he lost his angry and started to talk. "Oh it's for you" he said calmly. Throwing the sweater on my head covering my face. "Huh?" I said as I lift up the part of the sweater that was on my face. He growled " are you death or something!? The sweater is for you!" He shouted out bringing his anger back. I jumped up a bit from the sudden voice that ruined the silence. "Thank you" I said putting on the sweater. It wasn't small nor big yet it still didn't fit me. "Don't thank me. It's from Shu"he said crossing his arms around his chest. "Oh why didn't he bring it himself?" I respond back. "I don't know he is just a lazy bum!" He said.

"Anyways weren't you cold out here?" He question. I thought for a second "Well I do have goosebumps" I said with a nervous laugh coming out of mouth. He just sigh,I stopped my laughing and raised my hand. "Can I get my book now" I stated trying to reach since he raised his arms. "Why don't you have any friends?" He replied. I should be asking the same question to him. "The realist people don't have a lot of friends" I said. He sighed in defeat and handed me the book.

I got the book back and started to sit down on the steps and continue to read. He looked at me for a second and went back inside.

~time skip~

Night came,and luckily I finish the book it was cheesy but good cheesy . I miss dinner but I wasn't hungry. I yawn and looked up the moon it's a full one. It shines so bright and it's so huge. The small puddles reflect on the moon on how it shines. I bought my right hand up seeing that it was small than the moon.

The scene is so beautiful.

The door open with a *click* making me jump and put my hand down immediately. The door was slightly open. It was Shu who was peeking out. He then fully opened the door but closed it after he got outside. "Hello" I said turning around to face him. "How long were you out here" he respond. "I was outside the whole time" I replied. He just nodded that's when I remember something. "Oh I almost forgot thank you Shu" I say. "For what?" He question back.

"The sweater,it's not large so how come it's yours?" I said. Since Shu is a tall and large man so I was wondering how this sweater would fit him. "It's a old sweater I don't need it anymore" he stated. "Okay" I mumbled silence taking over the scene. I yawn quietly feeling sleepy. Am to lazy to move my legs they feel numb. "Let's go inside now" he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Carry me" I said turning around tippy-toeing up and down with my arms raised up.

"No" he replied coldly with a glare I sigh but not I defeat but cross my arms. "Then I wont go inside" I shot back. We just had long intense stare until he groaned. I back up a little bit that's when he bend down. And swing his hand under my  legs. Lifting them up as the other hand grab my back. Putting me up in bridal style. I grinned and stuff my face into his chest since his shirt was comfy. I was feeling tired and I close my eyes for two seconds. But then I drift into sleep between his arms.

Author's P.O.V

Once Shu reached Izumi room he opens the door and placed her on the bed. Seeing her figure land peaceful on the mattress. He sigh and left the room. "She is quite extraordinary" he mumble. He then walked away from her door which was close.


Izumi opened her eyes lightly from the ray of sun hitting her face. Her eyes burned from that though. She groaned getting her back up from the mattress. She rubbed her head and stretched. She took of her flats and walked towards the bathroom. Letting her stockings that reached her toes. Shuffle on the rug which felt like wood instead of a rug. Today was Saturday. The first day of the weekend. Which wasn't that much fun. But it didn't matter to izumi yet she would be bored. She fixed her bed hair and fixed up a bit. She exit the bathroom and also fixed her bed. Once she was done she head towards Yui's room.

Since she was completely bored and doesn't want to ask the brothers to hangout. Especially Laito. So Yui was the only person to understand her. No actually Shu was,but Yui knew her more. Izumi open th door with a eye smile. "Hello Yu-" once she opened her eyes she sees Yui with paint and a cardboard box.

"W-what are you doing?" Izumi asked without a smile this time. "O-oh! Am doing project am trying to make this box into castle!" She said cheerfully. "Don't you kinda need more cardboard and paper also?" Izumi said confused.

"Oh yes it's right her" Yui replied holding up graph paper with cardboard. Izumi nodded but said one more question. "How did you got the paint though?" She said.

"from school just don't tell the brothers"
Yui said with her index finger on her mouth. Izumi nodded once again "need any help" izumi stated. "Actually I do,can you tried to fold these papers into a cone" Yui asked. "Sure" izumi says with a grin. They worked until dawn came.

~time skip~

Izumi's P.O.V

"Yes were finish" Yui said with a smile "Yeah,am just happy that cones look good" I said with a chuckle. "We just have to paint it now" I said.
"Yes it's not night yet so I think we could finish in time" Yui stated I nodded in response. "Can you hand me the red please" Yui said. I grabbed the red and tossed it to her. I painted the windows,flags,cones,and door way. I was about to finish the last drop until Yui asked me a question. "Izumi,do you like Shu?" She questioned.

I dropped my paint brush on the desk making small tints of red hit the brown desk. "W-w-what?" I said turning to her.

"I mean,you always handout with him I saw you go into the music room. And that's were he usually stays. I caught him staring at you sometimes. It seems that he likes too am not saying that I like him. Am just wondering. . . " she state. I gulp I mean we have been hanging out and he usually appears next to me. But I never thought that way. Until now. My face completely turns red.

I nervously chuckle "N-no I-I guess" I respond kinda feeling uncomfortable. "Oh okay" she said continuing to paint. I shake my head "am gonna go now I hope you finish I say. She nodded with a 'yes goodnight'. I quickly walk out of her room. With walking two steps I run down the halls.

Am so confused now what if he does see me in a romantic way. I don't wanna hurt his feelings ! But am to scared to tell him and if I do what if he says no. Then he will think I like him. But don't but what if I do am so confused !

    But Does he stare at me? 

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