Day 1

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Oliver finally slowed from her sprint, listening for the cannons. Four. That wasn't good. Too many people were alive. Too many people were ready and willing to kill her.

The one that had followed her most certainly was.

Manny's feet were muffled by the pine needles as he slipped up behind the girl. His spear was poised to throw, but he wanted to give the Capitol a show. Quick deaths brought down satisfaction with the games, and a bored Capitol was a dangerous Capitol.

Oliver heard a slight crunch behind her and froze, expecting the worst. When she heard no further sounds, she furtively crept to a tree, hoisting herself into the branches.

She hadn't made it high enough.

Manny threw his spear, seeing it land in her upper thigh. Oliver tried to muffle her yell, but she barely managed to keep from slipping out of the tree. The boy grabbed her ankle, pulling her down with his weight. She hit the ground with a crunch, her ankle blistering with a fiery pain.
Manny also seemed to have been hurt in the fall, but not nearly as badly. Both of his knees had dirty, bleeding scraped on them.
Oliver tried to get up, barely staggering to her feet. Her thigh was covered in wet, sticky blood, and she couldn't put weight on her ankle.
Manny looked furious, but his spear was still high in a tree. He chose to retrieve it rather than pursue the girl. She wouldn't last long with a wound like that anyway.


Gordon was absolutely lost. He had panicked and run from the cornucopia, so he didn't have any food. 'I wonder who survived it?' He thought to himself in the silence. All he could hear was the wind blowing softly through the trees, a bird chirping in the distance, some water flowing... Some water flowing!
The tribute raced through the forest, almost tripping in his haste to get to the water. The small boy hit the riverbank with a splash, gulping the water down.

        Alejandro finally released Julian, the tribute pushing away. "I didn't need your help." He mumbled through the blood crusted down his face.
Alejandro gave him a stare. "You'd be dead right now if it weren't for me." He replied frankly. "I don't think you're in a position to be angry right now."
Julian gave a shrug. "I owe you one." He admitted. "But, I-I" he broke off, not sure how to put his thoughts into words. "I'll be leaving now."
Alejandro watched in slight disappointment as the boy turned and walked away into the brush. He had been decent, but these were the Games.
One winner. Only one.
It must go on.

Then he felt a stone collide with his temple.

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