punching walls and such

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I had been at work for almost three hours, and I still had not seen Mr. Steele. I was planning on thanking him for giving me yesterday off, and to ask him why he attended the ball.

I was also hoping not to see him since I knew it would just end in him acting like I have no mental capacity for anything, and treating me like a child.

I had been working on mostly school, but I was informed that I was needed in one of the fitting areas to help a man.

It wasn't awkward in the slightest to take measurements from any man..except Mr. Steele.

Probably because he's a hell of a lot more attractive than the other men.

shut up, Gabbie.

I was down to legs, and his unmentionables were practically one inch from my face when I felt a pair of eyes on me.

Please don't be Mr. Steele.

Please don't be Mr. Steele.

Gabbie, it's probably his assistant.

I turned my head only to find a Mr. Steele watching this scene happen.

"Oh Mr. Steele, I need to talk to you," I said as I got up and walked towards the open doorway.

He said nothing, his eyes looking now at a wall.

"So, thank you for giving me yesterday off, but if I may ask, why were you at the ball? You did not even mention to me that you would be attending when I told you I was."

"So I now owe you details of my personal life?" he cocked his head.

I huffed.

"I was just wondering-"

"Ms. Stanton, if you are done I need to get back to work." he said cutting me off.

"Sir, just like yesterday..you were the one in front of MY doors. If anyone was bothering anyone it would be you."


"Ms. Stanton, I expect a full copy report and all of the files I put on your desk this morning filed by the end of the day."

And then he walked away.

I was going to smart off to him, but I knew there would be no point.

It was nearly five P.M., which is the time in which I get to leave. I knocked on Mr. Steele's door to let him know I did the stupid assignments he gave me..although I would probably leave the stupid part out.

He did not answer the door but merely yelled, "come in."

My eyes searched the room for him, only to find him drinking bourbon on his couch, with what looked like a broken hand.

His tie was loosened and his jacket was off showing his figure through his tight shirt.

"Sir!" I exclaimed.

I rushed over to him as he put a hand up indicating me to stop.

"Sir, what happe..are you okay?"

"I am fine."

His voice showed no emotion.

"I can wrap your hand if you would like, do you have a first aid kit?" I asked as I now set my bag and coat on one of his chairs.

He did not respond.

"Okay, I will be right back," I turned to go find a first aid kit when I noticed a hole in his wall.

"Sir, did you punch your wall?" my back was still facing him.

The silence this time spoke loud and clear.

Why did he do that?

About five minutes later I returned to his office with a first aid kit, and some ibuprofen.

I thought ibuprofen might last longer than the bourbon.

I did not say anything as I walked in.

I sat beside him as he shifted slightly farther away from me.

I looked at him and back down at his hand before grabbing it.

He hand stiffened.

I grabbed the medicine to put on his bloody knuckles and carefully placed it on them.

He did not show that he was in pain, but I could tell he was by how fast he was drinking the alcohol.

I began wrapping his hand tightly on the bandage, and I heard the slightest groan in the back of his throat.

He cleared his throat...I'm assuming to make me think he had not groaned.

"You do not have to tell me why you went to the ball, but will you at least tell me why you punched your wall?"

His eyes were shut very tightly and his fingers were firmly placed on the bridge of his nose.

"Something made me angry."

"Okay, Sir, well things make me angry sometimes too but why punch a wall?" I tried to be empathetic.

"You're a female, you would not understand."

I was now finished wrapping his hand.

I grabbed the kit and slammed it on his desk.

"All I have done since I have gotten here is help you to the best of my ability, and all you continue to do is prove to me that it is not worth it. Like God, what did I do to make you hate me so much?"

This was what..the third time I had been smart with him.

Like I said..my mouth gets me in trouble.

He looked up at me..yes yes I know what you're all thinking..his eyes were all dark and intense and filled with mystery.

I took note of his jaw clenching as it was pretty hot.
But I was still angry.

I started to walk away when I heard a husky but pitiful sounding voice say,

"I do not hate you."

I turned back around to see him still sitting there, drinking the last sip of his bourbon.

"Then why do you treat me like this?"

He looked down before saying, "you are free to leave."

The most stubborn man I know. I will figure this out. I will figure out what all the secrets are about, why he punched a wall, and most importantly why he treats me like I ran over his dog.

I just had to give it time.

hello again guys! this chapter was fun to write. get ready for what is to come!! hope you enjoy!

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