Chapter 1 - Rumors

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"Did You Hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Seriously!? It's all over the news?!"

"Just tell me"

"You know that really rich and elegant family over in the north that owns a huge business the um.... (L/n) family?"

"Of course! What about them?"

"Well they're looking for a bodyguard for their daughter"

"They have a daughter?"

"yeah! Apparently shes really hot"

"Bro we should do it!"

"Nah there's like 50 other people trying out, we wouldn't get picked"

All the rumors... all the chatter was about a single family, the (L/n) family had a daughter, rumor has it she is elegant and beautiful, she has so much beauty and purity it's the selling point of the (L/n) families reputation.

Though people thoroughly believe it rumors are just that... rumors.

All over Japan, people signed up as a bodyguard just to get a glimpse of the girl, she was homeschooled and they never let her out of the house. Finally, several people were picked as the guards. All coincidentally apart of volleyball clubs and in high school.

Secretly the family was hoping one of these boys could teach their daughter some love and manners. But of course, that's a dream.

The boys showing up at the manner, the huge golden doors opened showing a large staircase and a man standing at the top of it. "Please enter" He spoke, his voice was deep and rough. A lady in a tight dark red dress stood beside him wearing a large amount of makeup on.

"You have all been hand selected to be our daughter's bodyguard as you know" He spoke. The boys looked amongst themselves. Just the 5 of them, to be honest half of them were either forced to do it or just wanted to see the daughter.

There was Daichi Sawamura, he had a stern and professional face on even though underneath he was slightly intimidated by the father's masculine and overpowering physique.

On the side stood Tetsurō Kuroo, he wore a spiffy dark black and red suit, though he tried to stay professional his sly smirk and bed-headed hair seemed to be permanent.

Next to him trying to conceal and laugh or hoot was Kōtarō Bokuto, He wore a similar suit in blue, his white and black hair was slightly brushed and gelled back in an attempt to make it less erratic to no effect.

There was  Wakatoshi Ushijima, he seemed to be one of the only boys who looked serious and was the only boy who was serious about the job, he had done jobs like this before and he knew how to act. His olive hair was neatly brushed and his sowl was similar to the fathers.

Finally, there was Tōru Oikawa, he had a calm smile on his face as he looked at the father trying to match his dominance but failing, he had his usual hairstyle which always seemed to be perfect for a job like this.

Daichi went into the job with Nishinoya and Tanaka who forced him to but they didn't get picked, Bokuto and Kuroo just wanted to see the (L/n)'s daughter and didn't expect to get in, Ushijima just need the money for his family and had gone through jobs like this before and Oikawa wanted was dared to by his team but he was also curious about the daughter.

The father sighed and looked to a maid to the side of the stairs "Where is she?" He questioned. The man opened her mouth to explain when a voice came from above.

"I'm here!" Yelled a voice, the boys looked up the stairwell expecting a girl with her mother's beauty dressed in a fancy dress and makeup like her mother but as the silhouette came down the stairs they realized it was nothing like they expected.

A girl with (H/l) silky purple hair and (E/c) eyes walked down the stairs wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a tank top. her hair was messy and she had deep black bags under her eyes.

The boys looked at her in shock.


I hope you like this first chapter! It's much shorter then the normal chapters will be only because it is the prelude and you have to get a taste in what your reading before you fully read it! So I hope you read it!

See you!

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