Chapter 5 - Her Change

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It has been 2 weeks, maids and workers at the house were equally delighted and shocked that they had stayed so long. Bokuto and Kuroo dragged their feet as they stepped up to the house.

"Doing the night shift sucks! And to add on to our training and studies" Kuroo complained, "Don't complain, you chose to work a dif you can't handle it just quit" Ushijima sighed "No way! She's way too cute to quit now!" Bokuto cried.

suddenly a volleyball rolled over to the boys, Daichi picked it up and looked around questioningly. "S-Sorry boys!" Cried a voice. they looked over and saw one of the maids, she was sweating and panting while she ran over, "Oh! Good morning Angela!" Oikawa smiled causing her to blush.

"G-Good morning!" She blushed, Daichi handed her the ball and she bowed "Do you do volleyball?" Bokuto questioned excitedly, "No, No! Miss (L/n) has been playing for a while and sometimes she would wake up to play it, I'm the only person in the howl house who has done volleyball before though it was only in a junior year" She sighed.

"Anglia! Common serve the ball!" Exclaimed a voice, running overcame (Y/n), her air was tied in a high ponytail and she wore some bike shorts and midriff hoodie.

"Oh morning" She smiled at the boys, they blushed, she had never smile like that at them or been so bright at this time of the morning "You play volleyball?" Oikawa asked, "Of course!" She smiled, "I have a pretty good serve" She smiled.

the boys blushed, "We all play in teams" Kuroo smile, "R-Really! Could you guys give me some tips?" She asked, they agreed and she took them to the volleyball courts.

"Ready?" She called they nodded, they expected her to do a normal service but she threw it up and ran, she had the same form as Oikawa. She hit the ball at a weird angle, it flew across the court and landed in the corner just in front of the line.

She landed and smiled "Nice!" She exclaimed running after it, "So what did you think--" "(Y/N) (L/N)!!" yelled a furious voice. in stormed her father, he had his fists in a ball as he angrily walked over to her, she went to speak but he drew his hand up.

A loud slap echoed through the room, a dark red slap print sat on her cheek as her face was turned, "YOUR MOTHER AND I HAVE TOLD YOU! A LADY OF YOUR STATURE MUST NEVER PLAY ALONG IN SUCH BOYISH SPORTS!!!" He yelled.

"DO you hear me bitch!" He yelled grabbing at her hair, "Yes father" She spoke quietly "Your lucky people are here or else you know wha would be coming for you" he spat, "Get dressed and get ready for your classes, your mother is very unimpressed" he spoke as he left the room.

(Y/n) dropped her to her knees, "(Y/n)? Are you ok?" Daichi said calmly as they gathered around her, "He's such a jerk..." She spoke, her voice breaking. "All I want is some god damn freedom" She laughed "I'm just a caged bird to him... a flamboyant pet bird who isn't allowed outside" She sighed.

"You ask why I keep running?" She said standing up the boys were quiet, "You saw what I go through... wouldn't you want some freedom?" She asked.

He pulled back her hair which had come undone from the fight, her nose was bleeding and her eyes were leaking tears. "Freedom is so close yet..." She picked up the ball and it fell out of her quivering hands "So far some me" She sighed and walked out the gym.

"We should follow her," Ushijima said. The boys followed her figure, they could hear her quiet tears and see her rub her cheek.

Later in the day it was her last class, it was dance, the boys felt bad for her, before was her sport class and thinking her sports classes would consist of something like volleyball or something fiscal but all she did was sit in a classroom and listen as the teacher talked about different sports and body injuries.

When they went into her dance studio they saw the same man, dressed ina dark grey suit and had light grey hair and dark brown eyes.

"I shall play the music and we will go over the ruin" he spoke in a boring tone. He took her waist and she gripped his hand as they danced, he counted for her and she followed perfectly but she looked so bored.

Soon he got frustrated at her and yelled at her for not listening to her "That's it! I've had to deal you your annoyance for 3 years now! No passion! No love! Your just a cold shell of a damn broken girl and everyone knows it!" he yelled and stomped out the room.

She sat where she was silent, "(Y/n)?" Oikawa questioned, he froze seeing her smiling yet crying, "Well he's not wrong" She laughed, she sighed and wiped away her tears, "Hehe you don't need to see me like this Oikawa-San" She spoke calmly.


Her voice rung through his head and he felt his heart lift, he had thought you were beautiful but that was with all girls, now seeing you like this and seeing your true colors it's luring him in.

Later they all sat at the table, her parents didn't speak a word until her father placed down his cutlery and breathed. "Your mother and I are traveling to Europ for an important business correct, during this time you will be supervised by you guards, they will report to me every day and you will behave, you are lucky your not deprived of meals for the next 3 weeks form that stunt you pulled this morning, god knows you could lose some weight" he spat.

the bows felt sorrow seeing you being treated like you were "When are you leaving?" She asked, "Tomorrow morning" Her mother spoke.

She nodded and left the table, Kuroo and Daichi went after her. They walked into her room and saw she was sitting by her window, the wind blowing her purple hair to her side.

They blushed looking at her (E/c) eyes dazzle at the stars, it had a different sparkle to them, not a longing or a trapped look like before. This thought brought Kuroo into a memory.

~Last week~

"See ya tomorrow Bokuto" He waved as they all left, Bokuto hooting a goodbye as he left. Kuroo went back upstairs and looked over to see (Y/n) slipping on a baggy sweater. he caught a glimpse of her (F/c) panties.

"Are you just going to stare at me like a pervert or talk?" She questioned, she walked to the window and sighed "Nevermind, I don't want to talk anyway" She muttered loudly and sat at her window.

Kuroo sat down and watched her, she pushed open the window and sat on the window, her legs hanging out of it as she looked up to the sky.

Kuroo could see a lonesome look in her eyes, she let out a sigh and tightened her grip on the window sill, all her eyes did be watch the stars with longing and want like she wasn't free.

Look to her now Kuroo could see how much she had changed, what changed her? She had acted so much more different day, she would try and run from them or be angry at them but today she would chatter and laugh with the boys to their joy and surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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