Chapter 28

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I waited patiently for Isabella to finish packing my suitcase. I could do it myself. Like I already said, but Christopher insisted on Isabella doing it since I was still too weak. I didn't comment on that but still I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips. Like he cared about my well-being.

"Isabella I'm really sorry about this. How can I help you?" I questioned apologetically.

"There is nothing" she waved her hands in the air.

"You need rest, plus it's no job for me. We have the same style" She smirked.

I couldn't help but smile at her. Isabella started to grow on me. The more time I spent with her the more I grew attached to her. I knew this was a mistake, but I couldn't stop myself from spending time with her. We had so many things to discuss and she seemed like a genuine good person. 

"And done!" She zipped the suitcase. My mind immediately wondered off. Since last night all I could really think off was where would we go?. I was worried that perhaps I wasn't ready for something this big. Maybe I wasn't ready to just leave my life for God knows how long and leave the country where my siblings were.

I couldn't believe how much my life has changed in the past couple of years. When I was fourteen I was happier than I could imagine. I had my family with me. I had a place I could call home and no worries whatsoever. When I was sixteen I was already in the streets trying to find a penny for survival. At Seventeen I was kept in a who*ehouse against my own will and tortured.

At the tender age of eighteen I was working for the enemy Mafia, when I saved the life of the incredibly handsome boss who ought to make me fall in love with him, while his second man was blackmailing me. Yeah I guess you could say that my life wasn't the prettiest of all.

"Earth to Gabriella!" Isabella's fingers clicked in front my face making me snap out of my daze. I looked at my now fully packed suitcase.

"Thanks" I smiled at her. I slowly sat up from the bad. I had to hold into it when a sudden wave of migraine hit my head. Isabella was on my side in a second.

"Easy there it slowly" She muttered taking my hand into her own. I flashed her a small smile before standing up  and walking towards the closet. I took out a simple pair of black jeans and a red lace sleeveless shirt accompanied with a simple leather jacket. After putting on my black heels I took a look in the mirror.

My face looked pretty tired and worn out. I needed to freshen up.

"I look horrible" I muttered tiredly.

"No you don't" Isabella stated crossing her arms together.

"Nothing a little make up can't fix" I smiled at her causing her to shake her head.

"You don't need make up to look beautiful Gabriella. Your good natural" She smiled at me.

Somehow her words made me want to enclose her into a crushing hug, but I restrained myself and instead gave her a real genuine smile.

"Thanks Bells" I smiled at her. A sudden look of surprise crossed her face. It was only then that I realized I have called her Bells. God what was wrong with me?

"Isabella I'm sorry I shou-" I was cutt of.

"No, no, it's mom only Cal..calls me that" She stuttered. My mouth shaped the classical o look. I didn't know anything about her mother so I couldn't say anything.

I decided to change the subject so I just took a look in the mirror. I guess I looked fine. Without a care I tied my hair into a ponytail and got out of the bathroom.

"Do you have any idea where we could go?" I questioned her lowly.

"No, I was kind of hoping you would know.." She made a clicking sound. I just took a deep breath and didn't say anything after.

"Alright I think I should get moving" I said simply. Isabella looked at me sadly.

"I will miss you.." She whispered into my ear. She hugged me all of a sudden causing me to hug her back in sadness. Somehow I felt like I was being separated from my family all over again. I have known here only for two weeks yet it felt like forever.

"I'll miss you two" I said so quietly I even doubted she heard me.

She then pulled back and took my hand instead. Together we walked out of the room while rolling the suitcase.

I stopped in my tracks once I saw Christopher hugging his little brother.

"Promise me you won't take long" Enzo said quietly.

"I promise" Christopher clarified. I couldn't look at them and so I looked down. This reminded me of Dina and Alex. God I really hoped they were fine.

"Ready?"Christopher's voice rang. I looked up and saw him standing in front of me his hands folded on his chest. I slowly nodded.

He looked at Isabella who was awkwardly standing by my side.

"Oh come here" He chuckled pulling her into his arms. She hugged him tightly and whispered something into his ear. He pulled away and kissed his sisters cheek.

"I will" He said immediately after pulling away. Isabella nodded at him and waved at us. I waved back and followed Christopher into the car.

He opened the door for me. I sat down with a quiet 'thank you'. My heart did a flip when I saw Antonio sitting next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him in a hushed whisper.

"You didn't really think you were going alone with him did you?" He smirked at me. I took a deep breath and turned my head towards the window.

I realized that I have been so busy with everything happening in the past couple of days that I completely forgot  about my plan. I ought to win my game. If I didn't do anything then I would get hurt and I wasn't planning on it. I have to do something in order to make Christopher fall in love with me.

If I kept being so cold and indifferent with him then surely he wouldn't catch feelings for me. I had to do what I could do the best. I had to act.

What a better way to win his heart than to act like a lovestruck teenage girl?. If I played my game right he would surely catch feelings for me. I needed some patience for this game. I had to be straight forward with him and act like I already have feelings for him. Surely he isn't dumb enough to believe me immediately, but he will after some hard work.

I have to find out what he likes in a woman and play my cards right. I knew what I was talking about. He wouldn't be able to resist me after some time. I was going to win this game.

I was going to make the famous Christopher Luca Santobello fall in love with me!

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