Chapter 40

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The sound of shattering glass made me jump up in fright. I clutched my chest in fear. Another shatter was heard making me take a deep breath.

What was this sound? Did someone break something? It was three o'clock at night. Who wasn't in their right mind?

Go investigate

The voice in my head told me. Would I be like one of these idiotic naive school girls in horror movies? Would I go and investigate knowing it could be a maniac? The answer was yes. I would because something told me I should.

Slowly I slid off my bed. My feet silently moved against the floor. I creacked the door open and walked outside of the room. The dim light coming from the room beside mine made me curious. Who was there?

Against the voice in my head telling me to be rational I moved towards the door. I took a deep breath and peaked inside.

The first thing that cought my eye was Christofer. My eyes widened in shock. I haven't seen him for a week.

He looked angry beyond compare. No, he was furious. What happened? He was pacing around the room with a murderous experssion on his face. His experssion was deadly. It brought shivers down my spine. My legs felt like gelly.

His hair was messy his face livid. His ocean eyes were dark. Experssionless. His beautiful face was worried. His eyebrows furrowed. What angered him so much? He took a hold of the vase on his table and threw it across the room making it shatter into houndreds of little pieaces. I flinched in fear.

"Goddamit" He muttered under his breath.

He sat down on the couch with head in his hands. I have never seen him this way before. He was so upset. So angry. He took a deep breath and sighed.

I wanted to talk to him.

I made a slow step forward and glanced at him immdiately. I sighed in relief when I saw he was still in the same position. His back turned towards me. I took small hesitant steps towards him. I needed to ask him what's wrong.

Before my fingers could make contact with his back he turned towards me. I gasped in shock when I saw the gun in his hands. Pointed at me. My hand dropped down.

Christofer's eyes softened for a second when he saw my face. Then a furious experssion took a hold on his handsome face.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He snapped at me. I flinched at his tone.

"I heard something break" I answered back.

"And you decided to investigate like the dumb girl you are?" He said bitterly while lowering his gun. I looked down.

"Christofer, are you alright?" I asked him.

"We are not doing this. I am not going to share my business with you" He spat. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Why was he acting this way towards me? What did I do?

"Christofer, what's wrong? I can see something is bothering you" I tried to reason.

"If you see that something is bothering me then why don't you take a hint and leave me the fuck alone?" He was harsh.

I felt the tears dwell up in my eyes. Why was he being this way with me? What did I do? Surely he didn't find out about me. Because if he did then I would have been dead by now. But then what?

I wanted to protest but I knew that I wasn't wanted here. I would just leave.

"Wait" He called. I turned around.

"Remember. Next time do not fucking enter my room" He snapped. I felt my patienece drift away as I looked into his eyes.

'Why the hell are you acting this way towards me? I haven't done anything. I've been doing whatever the hell you told me to. What is my fault?" I snapped in anger.

His eyebrows furrowed in anger.

"Your fault is being here" He pointed a finger at me. My eyes widened in shock.

"My fault? Excuse me Mr Santobello. But as far as I know it was your order for me to work for you. You made me stay with you. And you brought me here. So do not dare accuse me of this being my fault" I scremed in anger.

He took my wrists into his hands and pushed me to the wall. I gasped in shock.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" He spat harshly.

"Or what? What are you goint to do? Kill me? Kill me then" I snapped back. Something flashed in his eyes.

We stayed silent. Only our rapid breathing could be heard. I felt angry. But most of all I felt sad. Dissapointed. Betrayed.

I thought there was something in him. That he cared. I was a fool.

"You have been avoiding me" I finally broke the silence. He looked into my eyes.

"I didn't want to see you" He said quietly. I felt my stomach turn. He didn't even try to hide it. He just didn't want to see me.

"Why?" I whispered brokenly. Why did it bother me so much? Why did I feel betrayed by the thoght of it. Because I wanted to win. I told myself.

But this wasn't about the game. This was real. I wanted to know why. He stayed silent.

"I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to see you but you were gone. Tell me what did I do?" I questioned.

He slowly let go of my hands and stepped back. I took a deep breath.

"I think you should leave" He muttered.

"No, Christofer. I won't be leaving. Not until you explain yourself to me." I demanded.

"I don't need to explain anything to you" He snapped.

"You are right. You don't. But you will. Because I deserve that. I deserve to know why are you acting this way towards me when I did nothing. I thought we had....something" I exclaimed.

"Something? Gabriella, you don't know me. I don't do this- this stuff. "He exclaimed.

"Christofer, you felt something too. You have emotions and feelings just like other humans. Why did you stay with me then? Why did you come? You could have stayed. Why did you calm me down?" I was angry.

"Emotions? Feelings? I don't feel, Gabriella. I don't care. I don't love."

"Love is for cowards. Men like me do not love. Love is nothing but a weakness. Love will get the person you love killed. It will torture you. Why would I need that?"

"Love is a weakness that is used against you. People use your weak spots to torture you. I cannot have a fucking weakness!" He voiced.

I stopped the words that were about to form. I didn't need to talk. I couldn't.

"Love is a weakness. But you choose what to do with it. You can let it weaken you or you can let it become your strength" I whispered.

"Leave" Christofer looked down.

"I SAID FUCKING LEAVE" He screamed in fury. Before he could say anything else I ran out of the room. I slammed my door and fell on my bed. The tears came down.

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