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baekhyun sat on what looked like the biggest marble cylinder sehun had ever seen with a top as a seat, sehun himself on a simple small bench. there was a rocking chair across from them but sehun wasn't too keen about the way it looked. it was eerie in its vintage state.

the puppy beside him was none too subtle in covering his crotch with elegant hands, smile stuck on his face. jongdae had lead them to a back room in what was a whole hallway of them in the store. it wasn't small, but clustered with wooden branches and archaic books. they were alone as they waited for the employee to close up shop for the day. sehun was anxious to say the least.

baekhyun was blankly staring at him, tongue out in between his teeth, canine-like.

sehun made a silly face in response— the puppy giggled in amusement, and pressed himself against his owner with shiny lips and nose.

"why is your nose wet?" sehun asked, tone hushed as he ran his fingers through baekhyun's hair, the puppy's head met his chest.

he saw baekhyun's nose flare on instinct. "it feels... weird— to not have it wet." he looked up at him and scrunched his nose. "a puppy thing?"

sehun hummed, pressing a kiss to baekhyun's forehead just because he could. "okay,"

the distant sound of jongdae touching things filled the pregnant pause.

"i like kittens, they're so cute!" baekhyun scrunched up his nose again, laughter stuck on his tongue.

sehun giggled out of slight confusion but much admiration. "what do you mean?"

the puppy didn't reply, but simply pointed to the door, gesturing to something like it all was a huge secret. sehun looked but didn't see anything— was he talking about jongdae perhaps?

the man stared intently at baekhyun before jolting; the owner of the store walking in very loudly.

"sorry, for the wait babes!" jongdae smiled, walking in casually as a large bundle of keys jingled in his hands. he closed the door softly before taking a seat on the rocking chair— it didn't creak.

"it is okay!" baekhyun reassured, sitting up and leaving warmth to cool up quickly on sehun's chest. his words odd on rolling off of his tongue.

"great," jongdae's eyes softened at the puppy, sehun completely related to the emotion. "well this is going to be some heavy stuff so listen carefully, okay?"

the way the man looked at sehun held some weight, like a question, sehun didn't get it. but he nodded solemnly.

"first of all; baekhyun is a hybrid." jongdae stared at sehun, waiting for something but gave up once he realized the man was just stone cold blank. he didn't know enough about sehun to realize that the man was actually freaking out on the inside. jongdae looked at baekhyun instead. "who has probably been struggling to get into his human form all this time— right?"

baekhyun suddenly appeared to be unsettled. "24 years,"

sehun's eyebrows shot up, jongdae noticed.

"that's in dog years, dumbie."

"oh," sehun blinked.

baekhyun chuckled but it wasn't carefree like always, more so forced— sehun frowned.

"well, i'll be able to teach you how to go back, in-between, and fully human starting this week okay?" jongdae tried to uplift the puppy, who gave a small, but sincere, smile in return.

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