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adelaide was sprawled out on the large sofa, completely unconscious from the lack of sleep she had previously been getting

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adelaide was sprawled out on the large sofa, completely unconscious from the lack of sleep she had previously been getting.

wyatt sat at the opposite end of her head, his fingertips running against her calf.

he wanted nothing more than for this moment to never end.

only a few seconds later, jack and finn, along with sophia, were coming up with ideas to prank the poor blonde while she slept.

thank goodness that wyatt was around.

he had told the trio that they couldn't do anything if he was in the same room as addie, and the oleff boy was not planning on leaving her alone.

"hey, doll." his voice was smooth and soft like caramel, pulling the girl from her entranced state. "how about we go into your room, how does that sound?"

wyatt gripped onto adelaide's body, pulling her tired figure up from the couch and into his arms. "just hold on to me, baby.."

her legs wrapped around his torso, wyatt holding her small figure in his arms.

he walked her to the bedroom, carefully setting her half-conscious frame onto the mattress. he pushed the hair from her face after pulling the white duvet over her figure, leaning down and placing a chaste kiss against her lips.

"please stay."
her voice held a raspy tone, but was still so ever sweet as the two words left her pink lips.

"of course. i'll always be here."
that was a promise that wyatt oleff would always keep.

he would always be there for her.

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