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adelaide couldn't believe her eyes, blue orbs wide as she stared at her friends she missed so dearly

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adelaide couldn't believe her eyes, blue orbs wide as she stared at her friends she missed so dearly. "oh my goodness."

adelaide ran over, throwing her arms around as many people as she could, a wide smile on her face as wyatt quickly had his own reunion with the others. after welcomes had been exchanged and everyone calmed down, they all moved to the living room to mess around.

"wyatt.." adelaide and her lovely boyfriend, were in the kitchen, the girl smiling from ear to ear. she quickly grabbed his face in her hands, placing a kiss against his lips.

"god, i love you."
his voice sounded like heaven as he said those three words for the first time. they both knew they loved each other, and they both knew saying it wouldn't change it. but still, it made the girl even more happy and completely in love.

"i love you too."

adelaide and wyatt quickly dressed into more appropriate clothing, running back down the staircase to rejoin with their friends. wyatt sat down on the floor in front of the couch, pulling adelaide next to him.

"i'm going to livestream!" finn said, somehow hooking up his phone to the television. everyone could see it easier, and it also made the audience able to see everyone.

adelaide let her head fall back on his shoulder, lacing their fingers together as she shut her eyes.
"are you tired, baby?" he whispered in her ear, placing a chaste kiss to her temple.

"i'm in love with you, wyatt."

AGAIN | WYATT OLEFF [2]Where stories live. Discover now