6- Date Night

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Jennifer's POV

"Emmett, no." I say and my son frowns and starts to cry. "Mamaaaaa." He pouts. I sigh and pick him up and he continues to cry and yell as I carry him to his room and put him in his own bed. I close his door again and go back to my room and sit down on the bed. It's nearly 12:00am and he's been HORRIBLE tonight. I don't know why, but he has cried and screamed and refused to go to sleep. This is the bad part about being a mom, I guess.

I text Gino and he calls me immediately. I was expecting him to be asleep. "He is still up?" "Yes, he is currently throwing a fit on his bed." I say and rub my eyes. "Do you want me to come over?" He asks. "Gino, you don't have to do that. I can handle him." "You have to be up for work in the morning. I'll be over in about 20 minutes." He says. I hang up the phone and sure enough, Gino is standing in the doorway at 12:30am in his grey Nike sweatpants, plain black t-shirt and a beanie on his head.

"You look like hell." He says and comes inside. I sigh and lock the door behind him. "You're a hot dad, you know that?" I ask and he laughs and follows me upstairs. "We're matching." He says and I look down and laugh. I'm also wearing grey sweats and a black tank-top... but my hair is in a huge messy bun and I have glasses on.

As we reach the top of the stairs, Emmett's door opens and he comes out, tears streaming down his face and yelling loudly. He runs to Gino and Gino scoops him up. "Buddy, come on. Stop crying." He says. He carries him to his room and winks at me. I go to my bed and lay down and try my best not to fall asleep.

15 minutes later I'm woken up from my light sleep by Gino laying down on my bed beside me. "Shit, I'm sorry." I say and sit up. "You're fine." He says and I yawn, "Is he sleeping?" "No, he's still crying but he's calmer." He laughs. I look at him and shake my head. "Thank you for coming." I say. He nods and grabs my hand. "Co-parenting at its best...." he says. "Mmhm. I'm going to bed, you can stay or whatever." I mutter and pull the blankets over my body and close my eyes. Finally.


I wake up to my alarm buzzing... I look over and Gino and Emmett are in my bed with me. I laugh and shake my head. Jesus. I get up and get dressed, by the time I'm ready to go Gino is awake. Emmett remains sleeping in my bed and Gino and I go to the kitchen. "You don't have to work?" I ask him. "Not today." "Okay, so you have Em?" I ask and he nods his head. "Awesome. Call me if you need something." I say and he smiles and I leave my house and head to work.

I'm in the middle of something when my phone vibrates in my back pocket. I sigh and grab it, holding it to my face with my shoulder. "Yeah?" "I catch you at a bad time?" I hear someone ask. I quickly realize it's Leah. "No... I'm just working." I say and try my best to multitask. "I can call you back if you want." "It's okay, what's up?" I ask her. "You said I could take you out... so I was going to ask if I could steal you tonight?" "Um, I'll have to check before I give you a definite answer. Can I text you?" "Absolutely. Have fun at work." She says happily and ends our call. Operation get a last minute baby sitter for tonight is a go.


"Gino, you really don't have to do this." I say as I slip my foot into my shoe. "I don't mind. I love spending as much time as I possibly can with him." He says and keeps playing with his son. I smile and sigh, "Do I look alright?" I ask and he laughs and nod his head yes, "You look great." I smile and wave my hand silently as I slip out the door before my son notices I'm leaving him.

I meet Leah at a spot and park my car. She still thinks I live half an hour away, but in reality I live 10 minutes away. Whatever... I meet her and get into her car and she smiles at me. "You look pretty." She says. "Thank you, you look nice." I smile and she bites her lip. "Where to?" I ask as she pulls off. "Be surprised." She says.

I'm definitely surprised when she pulls into the parking garage for her apartment building. "What is happening?" I ask and she gets out of the car. "Come on." She says and I get out, confused. I'm standing here in my dress and heels and she's walking towards the elevators to go upstairs. "I'm sorry... am I missing something?" I ask her and laugh. She walks over to me and grabs my hand, "I'm making dinner." She says. I press my lips together and grin at her, "You're sweet." I say. She kisses me quickly and we head upstairs. Okay, I wasn't expecting this. It's really nice of her to cook dinner rather than just taking me out and paying for a fancy dinner. I like this a lot. It's so much more intimate and meaningful.

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