15- Baby

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Jennifer's POV

I walk into Starbucks and I see Leah sitting with her back against the wall in the very back. I smile awkwardly while she just stares me down as I walk towards her. I sit down in front of her and she sighs, "What's so important you had to see me face to face?" She asks in the most monotone voice I've ever heard. Usually she's got this peppiness to her, but not now.

"Can I start with I'm sorry?" I ask and she shakes her head and laughs kinda sarcastically. "Why Jennifer? I know damn well you don't mean it." "Leah... I do mean it. I- ugh fuck." I mutter and push my hand through my hair. "Look. I don't do this, okay? I haven't done this in a very long time. I don't go back to people even if they were the ones who walked away." I say. She just looks at me, confused. "My point is... I'm here. I'm here because I don't want whatever the hell is going on between us to be over just like that. I do like you and I would like to keep doing this thing with you, but it's gonna take me a minute to get.. I don't know. I can't say what I'm trying to." I say. She laughs a little bit and licks her lips, "You are ridiculous. What happened? Did a switch flip?" "I talked to Gino today and he said some things that made me realize stuff." I tell her. She nods and gets up because her name is yelled by the barista.

She comes back with two drinks, one for me and one for her. "Thank you." I say and take it from her. "Why'd you see him?" She asks me. "He asked if we could talk about what happened last night. Leah, I'm sorry I didn't 'disclose' that detail. Yes, I've slept with him multiple times since we split up. It's not like I want him though! I would never do that if I was in a relationship with someone." I say and she sighs, "What'd he make you realize?" She asks. I look at her and bite my tongue. "He made me realize that I like you a lot... and that I have to make some changes with myself." I say and she smiles a little, the first real smile since we've been sitting here.

"I can forgive you sleeping with him and not telling me about it, but Jennifer I don't want this thing between us to be so easy for you to let go of. I'm sorry, but that's not my style. I like to feel loved and I like to give someone my everything... it's more than just sleeping together and going to dinner." She says. I nod my head slowly, "I know. You want what I'm scared of." I say and play with the rings on my finger. "Which is?" "A committed and exclusive relationship." I say and glance up at her. She grins and slides her hand across the glossy wooden table to grab mine. "I'm surprised you admitted that, but yeah. I promise you I'm not going to fuck you over." She says. I laugh and sigh, "God I hope not. If you do I'll never do this again." I say and she winks at me and releases my hand. "I'm sorry I'm an ass." I say and she grins at me, "Apology accepted."

After another twenty minutes of conversation, we get up and walk outside. "You can come over if you want." I say and grab her hand as we walk. "My mom isn't dropping Emmett off for another... two hours." I say, checking my phone for the time. "I wonder how many times I could kiss you in two hours..." she says, smiling wide. I giggle and bite my lip as I push her back against her car, "Only one way to find out..." I say and kiss her lips tenderly. I pull away and sigh, "I'll meet you there." I say. She nods and we get into our cars and head that way.

Once we're sitting on my couch she starts asking me random personal questions. Usually I wouldn't answer most of them, but if I'm going to try and be more open I have to give this a shot. "I have another question..." she says and grins at me. "Oh, god. What's that look for?" I laugh and she sighs and straddles my lap, draping her arms over my shoulders. "Is Gino good in bed?" She asks and looks at my lips. I laugh loudly and shake my head, "What kind of question is that?!" I ask her. She grins and shrugs her shoulders. "I'm curious. Does he have a big dic-" "Okay! Shh. I'm not talking about this..." I say and she bites her lip and looks me in the eyes. Dammit. Her eyes make me feel things...

"Fine. Yes, he's good." I roll my eyes and she grins wider, "Is he packing?" "Mmhm. Now, that's enough!" I laugh and give her ass a squeeze. "Would you ever have a threesome?" She asks. "Leah!!" I laugh and she bites her lip, "I'm messing with you, but he is a very good looking guy." She says. "He is." I say and stroke her sides, "But... you're a very good looking girl." I say and kiss her neck softly. She looks up and moans very quietly. "Mm- Jennifer don't start something we can't finish." She says and I pull my hand down her neck and over her breasts, "Come on, baby... teasing too much for you?" I whisper and press my lips against her skin again. "I like when you call me baby." She says and looks at me, touching my lips with her fingertips. I grin and mouth the word to her slowly. She smiles and kisses me.

Right in the middle of our kiss my phone rings. I grab it and see that it's my mom, so I answer. "Yeah?" I ask and rub Leah's thigh softly. "Hi mommy!" "Oh my gosh! Hi, baby! Are you feeling better?" I ask Emmett. "Yes! I'm coming home now." He says with his sweet little voice. I grin and my heart flutters. This kid... ugh. "I can't wait to see you, baby. I missed you so much! Can I talk to grandma?" He hands the phone to my mom and she informs me that she's about ten minutes away from my house. Thank god she called... "He insisted on calling you." She says. I smile and sigh, "I'll see you when you get here." I say and hang up.

I toss my phone to the side and look at Leah. "Is this the part where I leave?" She asks. I frown and nod my head yes. "They're almost here." "Okay... call me when you get a chance, alright?" She says as she climbs off of me. I watch her adjust her jeans and I bite my lip. Jesus... "God you're so sexy." I say and shake my head. She grins and winks at me.

"Leah, don't go yet." I say and lean back on my couch. "I have to!" She laughs and puts her hand on her hip, looking down at me. I bite my lip and slide my hand down my stomach and touch myself through my pants... "Please?" I whisper and she sighs and shakes her head. "Jennifer... stop. I can't tell you no." She says and shoves her hand through her hair. "I can stall them for another ten minutes..." I say. She smiles and tosses her keys and phone back onto the table before rushing over to me and kissing me hard.

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