39- Needy?

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Jennifer's POV

It's been two weeks since our little get-away and I'm already ready for another... is that bad? Having Leah with me all the time now is great, but Emmett has been coming into our room and getting into bed with us for the past week... it really sucks. I don't want to sound needy, but I need my time with Leah.

"Babe!" Leah yells. "What?" I call back to her. "Can you come here?" She asks. I sigh and walk into the kitchen where she's making dinner. "Hm?" I mumble, sticking my head into the room. "Come closer." She laughs. I smile and walk over to her, thinking she's about to tell me something important. Instead she kisses me and I smile under her lips, "You think you're slick?" I ask. She grins and kisses me again, "I try to be..." she says. I put my hand in her hair and kiss her again. About this time, Emmett walks into the kitchen and grabs my phone from the counter. "I swear-" I grit through my teeth. Leah laughs and looks down at him, "Em, go play." She says. He pouts and I take my phone, "Come on. You're getting a bath before dinner and you are not sleeping with me and Leah tonight, got it?" I say and grab his hand. "But I want to sleep in your bed!" He cries. "Baby... not tonight." I plead and he starts crying. I close my eyes and sigh, "Emmett stop. You can sleep with us. Now go upstairs and get ready to take a bath." I say. He runs away from me and I sigh and shake my head, "I'm dying here." I say and Leah shrugs, "Don't you love being a mom?" "Leah... I'm serious." I pout and she giggle and keeps cooking our food. "You're fucking me tonight, okay? I don't care when or where or how. I need it." I say and she raises her eyebrows and bites her lip, "We'll see." "No, you will. I'm going crazy." "I know you are." She laughs as I walk upstairs to bathe Emmett.


12:45am and I'm wide awake. Emmett is literally laying on top of my girlfriend and she's sound asleep. You've got to be kidding me. I bite my cheek and sit up, thinking about how the hell I am going to do this. I gently rub Emmett's back and pull him off of Leah. I basically trade places with Emmett and he goes right back to sleep. Of course it wakes Leah up... "What are you doing?" She asks quietly. I giggle and lace my fingers with hers, "What do you think I'm doing?" I whisper and swing my leg over her, straddling her body. I lean down and kiss her slowly and she strokes my thighs, "Baby... he is right beside us." She whispers and I kiss her neck, "Please just shut up and kiss me." I say and she laughs and does what I ask. We make out for several minutes, and I intentionally make it a little "nasty" for her just so she'll be more into this. I bite at her bottom lip and she smacks my ass. I grind my hips against her and she sighs, "I can't-" she says. I hang my head and close my eyes. "Get up." I say and climb off of her. "Jennifer! Come back..." she whispers as I walk out of the room.

She follows me downstairs, unsure of where I'm going or what I'm doing. I reach the bottom stair and start pulling my shirt off. "What are you doing?!" She laughs and I put my hair up into a bun, "Leah, I know you think this is some joke... but if I don't- mm." I sigh and she walks over to me and kisses me. "You want it that bad?" She asks. I nod my head and she grins and starts kissing me. She kisses my neck and collar bones and eventually her mouth is around my nipple and her tongue is making tight circles.

I lay down on the couch and she forces my legs apart and doesn't even bother taking my panties off. She pushes them to the side and starts pleasing me with her tongue and her fingers. I try my best to stay quiet while she's doing all of this, and thankfully I'm successful. She happily continues even after she's made me orgasm and I'm not stopping her... I live for this. Once I'm finally feeling satisfied I switch things around on her. I strip her naked and put my head between her legs for the next twenty minutes and she moans my name quietly. Leah moaning in general is music to my ears... but her moaning "Jennifer" all breathlessly and quietly... oh god. I can't even begin to explain it.

About an hour or so later, we are laughing quietly as we dress ourselves in the dark. "I can't believe you did that." She says. I smile and walk to her, grabbing her face and kissing her softly. "I missed you." I whisper. She hugs me and I just stand there. "Take me back to bed." I whisper and she pulls me upstairs with her and into bed. I wrap my arms around her body and lay my head on her shoulder and we both go to sleep.... happy as ever.


"Come on, Em. Put this on." I say and grab a new shirt for Emmett to wear since he spilled something all over his other one. Leah's waiting in the car, so I'm trying to hurry. We're going to my parents house for a dinner and I'm not looking forward to it.

I trot down the stairs in my new black suede Louboutin Bianca booties that Leah gave me yesterday (yes, I'm proud). She knew I loved them when I saw them online but I never thought her crazy ass would buy them. Anyway- I'm wearing them with skinny jeans and a chunky sweater. I walk outside with Emmett's hand in mine and help him into his seat while Leah waits patiently.

Once we're all in, she starts to drive to my parents. "You look gorgeous." She says and puts her hand on my leg. I smile at her and lay my hand on hers, "Thank you baby." I whisper. She grins and soon enough, we pull into my parents driveway. I'm immediately confused when I see Gino's car. "What is he doing here?" I ask. For some reason my mind goes directly to my sister. She wouldn't... would she?

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