Chapter 4

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Jake opened the door for me and i thanked him for it. We walked through the stores around the city and Jake always wanted to buy me something but i refused. It was really sweet how he always wanted to buy me something. Everything was going amazing when......

"oh my god!!!!Jake Bass!!!!" yelled a guy from behind. Jake smiled and he greeted the guy.

"Can i take a picture with you?" he said.

"Sure why not?" Jake replied.

So the guy took his phone out and he planted a kiss on Jake. My Jake. My face burned red and the guy thanked him and he left. Jake looked at me and he smiled.

"Come on. Lets keep walking." He said. I kept walking with him. I wondered if he noticed me mad a few seconds ago. We kept walking until we found a Olive Garden. It came to my attention that he has a thing for Italian food. We grabbed a seat and ordered food. Normally the whole dinner was just......awkward. We didn't speak to each other. Not until we left the restaurant and he asked me a question.

"You got jealous didn't you?" he asked looking at me.

I looked the other way trying to act like if I was looking in the stores. "what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Gabe, I might be a pornstar, but I still know when someone gets jealous and can't deny that when that guy kissed me on the cheek, you got jealous."

"Don't over exaggerate." I replied.

"You know, you can keep denying our all you want but by the end of the day, you'll be in my arms. You'll see." he said entering a Bar. That kept me thinking. As we entered, we sat in a table and he ordered a martini while I ordered just a glass of water.

"So what time is it Jake?" I asked.

"Why are you asking? You got a curfew or something?" he said teasingly.

"Very funny Jake." I replied rolling my eyes. He laughed and placed his hand on top of mine. I looked at his hand and looked at him. I slowly went towards him. Our lips were only centimeters apart when........

"Oh my god!!!!!Jake Bass!!!!" said another annoying fan. I seriously don't know how much am I going to take of this. I grabbed my phone and walked out of the bar. I seriously wanted this date to be normal but I think it's not going to be possible. I took a turn and I saw a park. I walked across the street and sat in one of the benches. I took my phone out.....6:30pm.I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Hey" Jake said shaking me awake."You OK?"

"Yes in fine." I replied and I walked away from him.

"Can you at least look at me then?" he said grabbing my wrist.

"No." I said removing his hand from my wrist.

"It's cause of the guys isn't it?". he asked.

I stayed quiet. It was always about the guys. They always tended to come when the great moments between me and Jake began.

" Yes. Its about the guys." I finally admitted.

"I understand." he said coming closer to me. Our noses only inches apart.

"But you need to understand that I only have feelings for you. I know its been like a few days but I like you." He said. I kinda felt my face get red and I felt his lips crash into mines. He felt so good. Sadly he stopped and we kept walking. it was pitch black already. Fireworks were about to start shortly.

"Come with me, i know somewhere where the fireworks look better" he said and he took me to this building and we went up the stairs to the top. when we got there, it was really cold. JAke came and holded me tight and kissed me in my cheek. I smiled and then the first firework was shot. He was right. They looked better from here. Then after that dozens of fireworks started popping from everywhere.

"Best date ever." I said facing him.

"Oh really?" he said not sounding convinced.

"Yes." I reply.

"Prove it."

"Ok." I said and I kissed him placing my arms around his neck.he brought me closer as we kissed and he played with my hair.

"Can I ask you a question?" he asked.


"Do you wanna go out with me?" He asked. I never really had a relationship. Especially with a pornstar. Would it work? I didn't know. but it was worth a shot.

"Yes. I'd like that." and we continued our kiss under the fireworks.

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