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One time out teacher put us with a random person and told us to do our sotays (I doubt I'm spelling that right. But you know the really fast little jumps.) and I got paired with the most flexible, talented, and popular girl in the class you know that one who is weird but friends with everyone. Well at the time I was not as friendly with her or anyone else for that matter because for along time I was vary shy and still kinda am. Any way one of us had to do sotays while the other had to watch and give the other pointers at the end so I watched her first and said "well you need to pointe your toes, don't try to jump high it's just a small jump, don't rely on the bare you are using it to push your self up to much, and stand up straight better posture will help." These where all true and I had no problem helping her fix mistakes she did it again and was much better then I did mine. When I was done I was ready for a billion things and she simply said.

"How are you so perfect?" And I just laughed but I've remembered that whenever I need a confidence boost. Her name is Katie and one of the nicest people and dancers I've ever met.

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