Nightcloud: Like

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(Spoilers for the Power of Three, Omen of the Stars, and possibly Sunset in The New Prophecy)

I know a lot of people hate Nightcloud, but for what? She did nothing to deserve all the hate she gets. Was the fact that she tried to make sure Crowfeather got his mind off of Leafpool to be loyal to his Clan bad? She just wanted to make sure her Clanmate didn't get himself into more trouble and wanted him to do some good for once. The other reason people hate her so much is because "she stole Crow from Leaf and broke them up".

Since when did Nightcloud force them apart? She was just in the background doing nothing for the whole time. Leafpool decided to leave Crowfeather while Nightcloud never did anything. If you want to blame someone for ending CrowXLeaf, blame Leafpool. She's the one who ended it all, not Night. Night just didn't do anything to stop them because she wasn't part of the relationship despite acting jealous so don't blame an innocent cat for ending that shipping and just go blame Leafpool. Nightcloud doesn't deserve the hate just for Leafpool's own choice.

Perhaps Nightcloud was jealous in the first place despite The Ultimate Guide stating that she resented him. I don't trust field guides that much since some of the information can be wrong/is mostly contradicted half the time. We only really see Nightcloud from Leafpool's side and we see her as some aggressive cat who acts affectionate to Crowfeather. Nightcloud may have always secretly loved Crowfeather and tried to make sure he was loyal to WindClan because she did care about him but refused to admit it. Nightcloud's just a complicated character.

Nightcloud didn't like Leafpool because she was Crowfeather's former mate, resulting in why she acted the way she did towards her. She knew Crowfeather "loved" Leafpool more and that she was just some last choice. It's not like she'd be like: "Hey Leafpool! Do you want to go hunting with me since I like you for being Crowfeather's love? Oh, and welcome to the competition". That would be pretty unrealistic and a bit odd. Perhaps Nightcloud only wanted to be loved and only be loved by Crowfeather but finding out he ran off with Leafpool would have absolutely angered her, giving a reason as to why she hates Leafpool. It's kind of like Ashfur except she doesn't go off killing everyone and decides to live with it. And then they break up and she'd be pretty happy.

"Nightcloud's older than Crowfeather". No one knows how old Nightcloud is since it's never been stated. She's never even been listed in the allegiances until Twilight so how does anyone know she could actually have been older than him? Maybe she had been born when Crowfeather was a kit, too. And I'll add in that Feathertail was a lot older than Crowfeather and a lot of people like her with Crow-Cinderheart is older than Lionblaze, but there's no problem with them together until it comes to Night and Crow (there's no proof that she's older than him though) and that's used. If Nightcloud is older than Crowfeather, then basically all the people who hate she-cats being older than the tom will actually hate the shippings they like that may have the she-cat older than the tom.

Nightcloud had to be the mother and father towards Breezepelt because Crowfeather never bothered to help. She was left all on her own and just dealt with it rather than falling to self-pity. I like her for that because she's a strong character and never gave up on raising and loving Breezepelt no matter how much bad he may have done. Nightcloud was noted to have had a bigger litter but those kits were never talked about again, presumably dead. This could be why she's overprotective over Breezepelt because she didn't want to lose him like she did with her other kits and Crowfeather. Nightcloud was always a lonely cat; no one ever liked her. Her Clan even doesn't seem that fond about her.

Nightcloud could have easily done something horrible to Crowfeather but the only thing she did was tell Breezepelt how badly he thought of him. She did try to get him to pay attention to Breezepelt but forced him into nothing he didn't want to.

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