Daisy: Love

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(Spoilers for The New Prophecy, Power of Three, Omen of the Stars and Bramblestar's Storm) 

I love Daisy and feel as though she doesn't deserve the hate the fandom pours on her. She is honestly one of the most developed cats in the series for a background cat. There is more to serving the Clan than being a warrior. Daisy may be a queen, but if there was an attack on the camp or if a disease took out a nursing queen, then the kits would have no mother and die. Kits are important to the Clans and will become future warriors. Daisy is actually helping ThunderClan live by helping queens out with their kits.If Daisy wasn't even in the Clan, then Ferncloud wouldn't have any more help to keep Jaykit, Lionkit and Hollykit alive when Squirrelflight wasn't in the nursery all the time. When Sorretail and Ferncloud died in the Dark Forest battle, and if Daisy was never in ThunderClan, then Lilykit and Seedkit would have most likely died because there were no queens to help out. Daisy is an important member to ThunderClan and it doesn't mean she has to be a warrior to show how good she is for the Clan.  

"My life is for understanding that is not only warriors who play a part in protecting the Clan. She-cats who choose to live in the nursery do just as much as those who patrol borders and stock the fresh-kill pile. We raise every new apprentice, feed every small mouth, teach every kit the importance of the warrior code. Without us, the Clan would be as rooted as an upturned tree. Honor the mother-cats, Brambleclaw, for we give you all life." — The Ultimate Guide, page 54.

 "Squirrelflighty(Q): Will Ferncloud return to being a warrior? She's pretty useless just providing kits.

VickyHolmes(A): She's not useless! She's a great mom, and very helpful to other queens, just like Daisy. Cats need midwives and childcare experts too!" 

 "No cat could argue that Cloudtail is not a worthy warrior, or that Daisy does not serve the Clan well in the nursery." — Cats of the Clans, Firestar's page.

At first Daisy never even wanted to join ThunderClan. She just wanted protection for her kits because she didn't want them to get taken like Floss's kits. She even stated she would leave if there was a problem with her being there, proof she didn't intend of becoming a permanent member. 

 "I couldn't help hearing what you were saying. I didn't intend to join anyone when I left home. I only wanted to save my kits from whatever happened to Floss's litter. If it's a problem having us here, we'll leave as soon as my kits are strong enough to travel." — Twilight, page 142 

"Ferncloud and Daisy never do anything, especially Daisy! She sits there all day!" They do something. If they didn't, I'm sure Firestar would have done something about that but he never. Daisy earned a place in ThunderClan. People hate on Daisy for whining "every second" about her kits. I honestly cannot blame her for that. She was never a Clan cat and isn't used to Clan life. Of course she's going to panic if her kits get hurt! There are so many dangers in the Clan. Sorreltail even panicked about Poppypaw when she was sick in The Sight yet no one even hates her for it. Daisy was being a good mother. Would you prefer her rejecting her kits once they left the nursery? She only ever cared for her kits and gets hated for that reason alone. Would you honestly prefer Daisy laughing or not caring her kits have gotten hurt or could even die? I'd think not. Daisy was trusting her mother instincts and wanted to protect her kits like any mother would want to do. 

 Daisy never stole Cloudtail from Brightheart. If she did, she'd have to be his mate, and all Cloudtail ever did was make her feel welcomed to the Clan and was just being her friend. There is a difference with being friends with a cat and wanting to make them feel happy in the Clan and wanting to be her mate. Cloudtail knew Brightheart was his mate and if he made her feel less insecure about her appearance and had Whitewing with her, why would he bother leaving her for a cat he was just friends with and only met? If Brightheart really had a problem, then she should have said something instead of expecting Cloudtail to know what was wrong with her. And at that time Brightheart even started acting like a third medicine cat instead of a warrior since she spent too much time helping Leafpool and Cinderpelt.

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