Silverstream: Dislike

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*Spoilers for Fire and Ice and Forest of Secrets*

I don't like Silverstream, but I don't hate her since she had barely any purpose bit to be Greystripe's love interest. She is spoiled and believes she can do anything she wants because Crookedstar happens to be her father.

"Silverstream bristled, "I won't let anything bad happen to Graystripe!"

"Oh really?" Fireheart snorted. "And what could you do to protect him?"

"I'm a Clan leader's daughter," meowed Silverstream.

"Does that give you the power to control your father's warriors? You're hardly more than an apprentice!"

"Like you!" she hissed indignantly.

"Yes that's true," Fireheart admitted "And that's why I'm not sure I could protect Graystripe from the anger of his own Clan or yours if they find out you're seeing each other."-Fire and Ice, page 165

Even if she doesn't get her own way on being with Greystripe, she then insists the warrior code has to be changed just so she can actually get what she wants.

"You're obsessed with Clan loyalty. If you could see beyond your own nose, you'd realize... there's a lot more to life then we've got in one little Clan. Graystripe is a great and worthy warrior. If the warrior code can't deal with this... then maybe the warrior code needs to change. I know you're worried because you love me. And I love you too. I'll always be your daughter. But you have to let me choose my own future." - Silverstream to Crookedstar in Crookedstar's Promise, Page 495.

Silverstream's poor excuses also made her believe she would never get caught just because she was the Clan leader's daughter.

"Graystripe!" Fireheart hissed as he sprang from the bushes.

The two cats spun around to face him, Silverstream's ears flattened angrily. Graystripe just stared at him startled. "You followed me!"

Fireheart ignored his stunned meow. "What are you doing? Don't you know how dangerous this is?"

Silverstream spoke up. "Its okay. There won't be a patrol here until after sunset."

"You can be sure of that, can you? As if you know all of your Clan's movements!" Fireheart growled

Silverstream lifted her chin. "Actually I do. My father is Crookedstar, the leader of RiverClan." - page 155 Fire and Ice

They were both too stubborn to quit seeing each other and were also dumb enough to believe they weren't causing any harm:


They were both too stubborn to quit seeing each other and were also dumb enough to believe they weren't causing any harm:

"Whatever problems your Clan has, you still have to stop seeing Graystripe."

"No," answered Silverstream, lifting her chin. Her eyes flashed. "How can our love do any harm?"
Fire and Ice, pg 165

Silverstream also made Greystripe abandon his duties and Brackenpaw's training--which could kill him if Fireheart didn't step in since he'd not be fully trained to defend himself--and made Mistyfoot and Fireheart lie to their Clanmates which would get them in trouble. Silverstream was hurting cats around her because she was too naive and bratty about everything. Not only that, but Crookedstar, who lost everything and only had her, would have been torn as well! Silverstream didn't even seem to care about what she was doing, because she's the Clan leader's daughter and can see Greystripe whenever she feels like it.

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