The Sound of a Broken Heart

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Um can everybody reading this know that this is my first published fan fiction piece and constructive feedback is very much needed. I really don't have anything else to say, so I'll get straight to the story.

Third Person

So far Naruto's day had not been going very well. First, the stupid war against the stupid mental Madara and Kaguya, who screamed stupid sentimental nonsense by the way, but were insanely strong. Then, when finally, he and Sasuke had managed to seal away Kaguya (hopefully forever), Sasuke just had to go yelling about killing Naruto, and becoming hokage, and uh I don't know, TAKING OVER THE VILLAGE?! Finally, when Naruto had managed to beat some sense into  Sasuke and talk him into rejoining Konoha, and not combusting some ninja on the way, they both passed away from blood loss. Naruto more than Sasuke, for while Naruto had been careful not to hit any vital spots, Sasuke had not held back. This is where we join our favorite loud-mouthed blond friend who taught us so much.


I was just floating. Floating away in the darkest part of midnight. I could just drift away........ Wait a moment. Just who am I anyway. Am I even human? I certainly don't feel human. Actually, I don't feel anything. Nothing. Nothing at all. Who am I? Where  am I? Where am I from? What have I been doing? Am I female? Male? Do I even care? What. Why. Where. When. How. 

I stared into the empty, isolated pitch black darkness. Wait.....isolated? I saw a wispy tear form out of nowhere. For a moment it was just there. What was it? Then something shimmered next to the small tear that I was staring at. I saw a blond boy. A shadow of........nine fox tails?! The boy was isolated, alone. The others called him monster. Called him demon. Beat him. Glared. Hid.  Ran away. He felt something in his heart......was that sympathy? Who was this kid. What was he doing here? Why did those people hate him? Before I could wander off to my thoughts, I saw a ball. A spinning ball of light.  A blue ball. And......I felt a spark of recognition. Did I know this ball? Who was I? What was this ball? Then I saw the kid again. The same kid from earlier. He was older. Around 12. He was ......arguing with......a grandpa? Abruptly, the scene changed. A bar of ice cream. Snapped in half. Given to the boy. New scene. The boy. Ramming the ball into the stomach of..........some man?! Protecting a ........blond, scared, big-chested, woman? Flash. The boy. Fighting. Fighting a..............raven-haired other boy? Scene change. The boy crying. Remembering the grandpa. I somehow knew that he had died......Wait, where had that come from? 

The scenes kept coming. New scene. The boy on the ground, older. Around 13, 14? Rods pinning him to the ground. A purple-haired girl protecting him from freaky orange haired men in a huge crater. Ruins of some kind of village. Girl dying. Boy unleashing fury. Scene change. A war. Pain Death. Fury. Tears. Some man looking half-crushed.  A homicidal looking man (although most people in this weird video thing looked homicidal.).  More pain. More death. Continuous war. 

Suddenly I saw the boy. He was very much older. Around 16? 17? Suddenly he shouted something. Something that made all of my memories flood back into my body. As if a light-bulb had suddenly flicked on, illuminating everything. The boy, me yelled: "I NEVER GIVE UP, AND I NEVER GO BACK ON MY WORD! AND I ABSOLUTELY NEVER LEAVE MY COMRADES BEHIND! BECAUSE I AM NARUTO UZUMAKI!" Those words ringing in my ears, I was jolted into the world of reality. Suddenly, I hurt so bad all over.  The pain. I could feel the blood running down my neck and body. But I was happy. Why, you might ask. Before you think I'm crazy, it's because I finally managed to rescue Sasuke! 

With all my remaining strength in my rung out, pain-filled body, I opened my eyes. Barely. With my vision bleared from the sheer force of my pain, I barely managed to make out the form of all of my friends. My joy blasted to another level. The infinite tsukuyomi had finally been freed! Everybody was finally free! That's when I realized that they were all glaring at me. I could not see Hinata, Shikamaru, or TenTen anywhere. Had they died? Was that why everybody was glaring at me? Everybody  was  practically snarling. What had I done wrong? 



"My mom was right. You are a demon." Kiba said, dangerously quiet.

"And here I thought that you were nice. HOW DARE YOU DEMON!"Yelled pretty much everybody.  "Naruto Uzumaki, I Tsunade Senju Hereby banish you from Konoha." She smirked she seemed happy that she had finally rid Konoha of one disgusting, evil, crazy, murdering, demon monster. 

Each and every person that Naruto cared deeply for, his precious people, one by one came up to him and it broke his heart every single time. Naruto could do nothing but watch, as his whole existence crumbled away. He lived for his precious people..........but now........did he even have any precious people left? He was hurt very deeply, harshly, scarred badly, both mentally and physically. Tears fell out of his eyes as he looked up at the moon. The last one to visit had been Iruka-sensei. Wait. No. Now it was just Iruka. H-He...... He had been the final straw. The first to like him, and the last to hate him, eh? What did I do to deserve this? What have I done so wrong? Why do they hate me? He asked the shiny silver moon. Glowing in the sky. 

You must get lonely up there moon. Just like me. But, I guess you have the stars. You are lucky. You are a glowing, hopeful existence, and many people wish up to you. You have friends, the stars. You last forever, and never. You are everywhere yet nowhere at the same time. His lips wouldn't move so he just thought these things, still streaming tears. He mustered up all of his remaining strength, ready to sink away, to the darkness. The one that never gave up, was giving up. With his the last words that he barely managed to croak out, he sunk away into the dark. One last tear falling from his beautiful cerulean eyes that would close one last time.                                      

"I wish I could be more like you,  moon. And......I'm sorry." He took one last rattling breath. Saying sorry to everything but nothing. He remembered the good times. The golden days. His last image was the scene of the innocent stars glowing bright in the sky. The world faded to black.

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