Chapter 4

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Jiraiya looked at Naruko with guilt and shame. If only he had taken the brat with him and hand her in Tsunade's care then she wouldn't have to endure the pain. Tsunade was just sitting there, drinking her problems away. Shizune was taking a nap, and Naruko was reading a scroll.

"Listen have to take the hat and become Hokage, please" Jiraiya begged

"I said no!" Tsunade yelled

"Pervy Sage......I'm going out to train" Naruko said as she got up and walked out, sluggishly.

"Please Tsunade" Jiraiya begged again.

"I'll make a bet. If the brat will perfect the Rasengan in 5 days then I will come, and I'll give her this necklace too. And if she fails then you both will scram!" Tsunade grunted, Jiraiya sighed but nodded. Naruko behind the door smirked and ran off.

5 Days Later~

"Pervy Sage....i'm off to train!" Naruko called as she jump off the window and ran off

"Lord Jiraiya! Tsunade sama is gone!" Shizune burst in the room 5 minutes after



Naruko raised a brow at Gamakichi. Gamakichi filled her what was happening, Naruko grabbed the toad and start running to the direction he was pointing. Naruko got there and saw Kabuto advancing on the shaken up Slug Sannin. Naruko disappeared in a golden lightning and reappeared in front of Kabuto with a blue familiar orb in her hand.

"Leave her be.....RASENGAN!!!!" Naruko yelled as she trusted the jutsu forward and sent Kabuto flying away.

"You okay.....baa chan?" Naruko smirked when Tsunade looked up and stared at her.

Naruko placed Gamakichi down and went on her fighting style that she was working on for a few weeks now. Her father's very own Humming Bird Stance mixed with her mother's Bloody Whirlpool Dance Stance, and the Gentle Fist stance. Naruko disappeared in a golden lightning and start attacking Kabuto from everyone, but Kabuto had special DNA that lets him heal quickly. Naruko's body is covered with Golden Lightning that looks exactly like the Raikage's and using speed and teleportation she moved around like Minato's speed but this time, no seals and kunais.

"Yah! Golden Lightning Release: Chidori!!!!" Naruko slammed her Chidori in Kabuto's left lung, making her hand went right through. Kabuto coughed up bllod before he sent chakra scalpels on Naruko chest making her fly back to Tsunade and unconscious.

Fight is canon because it is awesome!

Naruko looked at her necklace, the one Tsunade gave her. She smiled as she followed them. She was wearing arm bands and leg bands as well as her belt had seals, weight seals to make her move even faster. Naruko tossed her kunai forward and using her Golden Lightning Teleportation, she reappeared next to it and grabbed it.

"You're getting good Gaki. Acting like your father using his Hiraishin" Jiraiya smirked, Naruko grinned back.

"Yeah. I think I would make a name for myself too, ya know. Well I do like the 'Leaf's Most Unpredictable Knuckle Head Ninja' but I wanted something 'Lightning Flash of the Leaf' I love storms and my original name is Naruto so yeah also it was almost near to my father's 'Yellow Flash', ya know. I have Water and Wind too.....if I could combined the three.....then I will probably make storm release....that wound be cool. Storm in Konoha that was originally from Kumo. Fire also helped creating lightning by sending a fire jutsu in the air. I read it on the Elemental Theory but I will still have to work on combining Lightning and Wind, and Water and Fire see if it won't explode in my face....hmm" Naruko was deep in thought. The three smiled at the blonde only to snicker when she hit the three from zooning out.

"You know brat, that would've been cool when you didn't crashed on a tree" Tsunade smirked

"Shut up! I have my moments, ya know! Besides...I am thinking way too deep, baa chan" Naruko smirked



3 months later

Naruko and Sasuke charged into one another. Both had deadly jutsu in their hand.


"CHIDORI!!!!" but before it could make contact thay were both thrown away from each other and into the water tank.

"Naruko you should be more responsible. You're a Chuunin now. And you Sasuke, the Chidori isn't a jutsu you use to your comrades! I didn't teach it to you to be used it like that!" Kakashi said sternly

"I apologies Sensie. He was taunting me" Naruko said, ashamed

"I won't let this slide. Naruko, Hokae sama wants to see you. It's a mission you'll lead" Kakashi said, Naruko nodded and glared at Sasuke before she disappeared in a flash of Golden Lightning. This fuel Sasuke's anger.


"Alright, your mission is a B rank. To deliver this scroll to the border of the Land of Wind. You will meet two Jonins there and hand them the scroll. You'll be back by tomorrow afternoon is there are no casualties. You may leave now. You're dismissed" Tsunade said, Naruko nodded and turned to Shino, Tenten, and Ino.

"We'll meet in the North Gate in 20 minutes" Naruko said

"Hai!" they nodded, Naruko jump out of the window and disappeared in a Flash of Golden Lighting.

People of Konoha were on uproar as well as the Council when they found out that the 'Kyuubi Brat' learning the Fourth's Rasengan and 'Hiraishin'. Tsunade shut them up that Naruko wasn't using the Hiraishin, that she was using Lightning armor with the Speed of the Hiraishin from her Chakra and Elemental Theory so the Jutsu technically belongs to her that she called 'Flash of the Thunder God' and Jiraiya had yelled at them that he has the right to teach Naruko what he dimmed the brat deserve to learn and that they were neglecting her potential, that he did not and enhanced it. It was a long day of argument but Tsunade and Jiraiya came out victorious. Tsunade smirked as she remembered that. Then glared at the paperworks.


Naruko sighed as she had to endure Ino's loud talking about Sasuke having a secret affection on her and that she's going to win his heart and rub it in Forehead's aka Sakura's face. Tenten was annoyed at the rumbling, Shino was fascinated on a new species of Beetle. Naruko finally had enough.

"Ino if I were you I would get stronger, ya know. You're taking this career like a play thing! I'm sick of hearing Sasuke this, Sasuke that! If I were Sasuke I would look for someone strong, someone who can compete and stance equally, someone who takes Shinobi status seriously! I don't know why I had a crush on Sakura years before but now I have standards. Hell if I were a boy I would probably date Hinata maybe Tenten, at least they take their career seriously, and strong. Not stalking boys and talking about them, ya know!" Naruko finally exploded

(A/N: Oh Naru...if only you knew you were being stalked by Hinata and Tenten sometimes with Neji. Oh got to love the Irony)

"Shut up, Naruko! What do you know about, Sasuke kun! He's better than you!" Ino yelled

"Oh yeah? Then why am I a Chuunin and he's a Genin; because I AM better than him. What you have is an over dose infatuation. The stupid obsession that ruined your friendship with Sakura! You both acted like children! Did your constant flirting and worshipping to get his attention, in fact it made him more annoyed and gave him a reason not to associate with you, ya know. He's a bastard and you can do better. If I were you then I would get myself strong and have a REAL goal, like being a role model for the Next Generation. At least that's a reasonable dream, ya know" Naruko said before she quicken her speed a little.

Ino paused as she gave a thought about what Naruko said. It's true that she was obsessed and that she had stunned her growth to become an excellent konoichi just but her obsession on the Uchiha. Tenten smiled as she quicken her pace and engaged into a conversation with Naruko


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