Chapter 20

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Sasuke watched in amusement. Naruko walked very, very slow towards the stairs.

"Dobe, you're clearly having trouble walking up. Should i carry you?" Sasuke asked finally after a few minutes

"YOU TEME!!!!" Naruko turned her head sharply to his direction, going on the Hot Bloody Habanero mode making Sasuke took a step back out of reach

"YOU TRY WALKING AROUND WITH FOUR KIDS IN YOU BELLY AND TELL ME HOW IT FEELS!!!!" She shrieked before grabbing hold of the stair banister and walk up the stairs in a snail pace

"As amusing as it is, it's painful to watch" Sasuke stated, Naruko shot the raven a dirty look before turning to the task with pure determination

Despite the warning, Sasuke stand by to catch the blonde should she fall. It took a couple of minutes until she reach the top.

"YOSH!!! See that, Teme?! Nothing, i mean nothing can defeat the Great Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto, 'ttebayo!" Naruko cheered before she reward herself with a victory dance which was an awkward shuffle seeing as her condition get the picture

"Idiot, stop" Sasuke winced at the pitch of her voice before turning away

"What's so funny?!" Naruko yelled as she spot the shaking of Sasuke's shoulder as he suppressed his laughter

"You're dancing, dobe. It's horrible, stop" Sasuke smirked

"SHUT UP! You're just jealous because i can dance and have some skills!" Naruko shriek, her face burning with anger and embarrassment

"Skill? Where's the skill in that if you look like a dancing puffer fish, better yet a hippo" Sasuke raised a brow

"YOU TEME! I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME FAT!!!!" Naruko shriek as she tried to chase the Uchiha who took a couple of steps back, even if a few feet away she's not fast enough to catch up

"Too slow"

"Grrr......YOU'RE SLEEPING IN THE CARPET TONIGHT!!!!!" Naruko screamed on top of her lungs, it could be heard in the entire village.

Naruko sighed when she heard Sasuke mumbling about killing Itachi as soon as possible, something about not finding his nephews and nieces before he can kill them. Naruko sighed as she scratched her cheeks.

'I'm not sure why i am bothered with this, ttebayo. Kurama, got any ideas?'

'*sigh* it means you don't want the younger Uchiha harm the father of your kits, you big sense blockhead.'

'Hey! That was uncalled for! And....why would i but into their business anyways?!'

'Well....what will you tell you kits when they grew up and ask what happen to their father then? You're going to tell them that their uncle killed him? You KNEW the truth behind the Massacre so it will be alot to cover up. Plus, the brat will probably find out anyways so if he ask you if you knew then he would probably go in a tantrum about you lying and not telling him everything. Then maybe he can't face the kits after that in shame for killing his brother and their father' Kyuubi snorted when he imagine the younger Uchiha screaming at his container

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