Chapter Six.

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Chapter Six.

“Zayn! Zayn can you hear me!?” I screamed, shaking him by the shoulders. 

He didn’t move. Not his fingers, his toes, his eyelids, nothing. 

“Harry we need help!!!” 

“Calm down, I’ll go call the ambulance!” 

“Do they even have a hospital on this island?” 

“They have to! Just stay here. It will all be okay, I promise.” Harry ran off towards the town with tears streaming down his face. 

“Zayn you have to wake up!” I cried aloud. 

I started to perform CPR on him, begging him to wake up or even move a tiny bit. But nothing happened, he remained lifeless and time was ticking. 

“Harry where are you!?” I cried. I was loosing it. I needed someone here with me to tell me what to do. I felt horrible especially after last night when I had a bad feeling about leaving Zayn yet I still went back to the room with Harry. 

“Allie! The ambulance is coming help me carry him to the road and off the sand.” Harry was back and I was so relieved to not be alone anymore. 

“I did CPR, I tried, I really did.” I said letting the tears fall freely down my face. 

“I know you did. Lets do this now though okay?” 

“Okay. Of course!” 

Suddenly I stopped thinking of myself and focused purely on Zayn. I had heard of so many stories of when adrenilane took over peoples bodies and they performed in amazing ways. That’s how I felt. I picked up Zayn easily and carried him over my shoulder while Harry struggled to keep up. I didn’t know what was happening but I knew one thing, Zayn was going to live! 

“Alright guys, only one can come on the ambulance with this young man. The other one will come to meet us at the hospital.” The large paramedic said sternly. 

“You go Allie. I’ll grab the others and meet you there soon. Okay?” 

“Okay, I’ll see you soon.” 

“I love you Roo. Be strong for him.” 

“I love you too, and I will. Promise.” 

The last thing I saw was Harry’s face streaked with tears and then the ambulance rushed down the small streets, sirens ringing crazily. 

Poor Harry. His bestfriend is here lying on a stretcher and he doesn’t even know what’s going to happen in the next 24 hours. None of us did. 

I looked down at Zayn’s face. There was no doubt he was one the most beautiful person I had ever met, inside and out. I felt so awful that he was alone last night and ended up like this. He didn’t deseve it. 

“Hi I’m Doctor Zammit. You are Zayn Malik’s friend, correct?” 

“Uh yes, I mean correct. Is he okay?” I answered, hoping for the best news. That Zayn was in the next room awake. 

“I’m afraid it is hard to tell at this present moment. Zayn is heavily asleep. The problem we are facing is what is in his system and how long he has been unconcious.” 

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you that. We found him this morning at around 9.” 

“Yes, yes. Well I will be honest with you. It isn’t looking too good at the moment. Right now we need you to be next to him and talking to him. It has been proven that familiar voices help release one from a coma. You are vitally important right now.” 

“I will do anything I can doctor. Thank you for your help.” 

“Lets work together and bring this young man back.” He said, givng me a hopeful smile.

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