Holly - Hope {EDITED}

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Yamamoto hated everyone. Everything infuriated him to no end.

It may have been to do with his rising popularity, his rising career as a baseball star/athlete or the bundles of friends he had mysteriously acquired. But he knew better; they just wanted to be friends with him because of his popularity and baseball skills.

It was very obvious.

On one hand, he could just drop his 'perfect athlete' mask and be alone for the rest of his school years. On the other hand, being fake was much less painful or heart-wrenching than being lonely. So he smiled; he laughed; he joked; he played; he trained.

In fact, he had trained so hard that he had done something terrible (in his perspective).

He broke his arm. His mind had immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion, as it usually did in these types of situations.

No arm = no baseball = no friends.

No friends meant loneliness.

And loneliness meant pain.

Now that he looked back on the incident, it was foolish of him to even consider taking his life for something as trivial as a broken arm that would heal after a couple of weeks. Quite a rash decision he had made when he was younger, but there he was on the roof of Namimori Middle right at the edge of the building.

Ready to jump and end his life right there and then. He was quite glad someone was there to stop him, for he found something or rather someone worth living for.

"Yamamoto!" The yell that had frozen him in his tracks. He knew the brunette from the constant teasing the poor boy would receive from his classmates- 'dame-Tsuna' they called him. "So even the dame pities me now, huh?" He chuckled sourly.

'No! I don't want to say that!' 'Someone, help me please!' He yelled in his thoughts, being drowned out by his subconscious mind spouting things he didn't really mean. The brunette was just another person who would use him for popularity.

It was a never-ending cycle which he faced.

"Yamamoto, think of your father!" The one sentence that had saved his life was still fresh in his mind to this day as if it were being spoken right at the moment he was thinking about it. What would happen to his father after he died?

It was hard for the father and son when Yamamoto Takeshi's mother had passed away, but at least they had each other. If he died, his father would have no one. Just as he was about to step away from the edge, a large forceful wind had caused him to fall.

He doesn't remember much after that. He does, however, remember Sawada Tsunayoshi kneeling half naked beside him on the bare ground with a silver-haired boy worrying about the brunette and apologizing.

"Well, that was fun!" Yamamoto exclaimed after the ordeal was over. He was yelled at by Hayato for that, something about his 'precious juudaime' being potentially hurt or dead after the event if things had gotten haywire.

Yamamoto was glad because he found someone who cared.

He then hung out with the odd pair, soon finding himself in the Italian mafia and learning how to fight with a sword. Somehow, he didn't mind nor care. He would give his life to save the one who had saved him; Sawada Tsunayoshi.

The hours, days, maybe even weeks or months he spent on learning how to wield a sword were nothing compared to what the brunette had given him.

He clenched the bouquet of holly flowers, the flowers representing hope. He smiled to himself, thinking of the hope they represented.

A hope which his sky had given him.

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