Coriander - Hidden Worth {EDITED}

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Kyoko had it all; looks, grades, friends and popularity. The only true friend she had was her best friend, Hana. She was living the dream that many people wished for.

Then a certain brunette came into her life and threw it right the way around. When he had confessed his love for her, she thought it was a prank and ran off. Who wouldn't? The boy had confessed to her half-naked, in his underwear.

Strangely, she had grown worried for him when she heard of the kendo duel going on between the brunette and a senior. When she heard why, she felt guilty as the boy now had to fight with a trained kendo student all because she was scared and ran away making people mistake it for embarrassment.

Of course, everyone in the school including the school idol knew the nickname that Sawada Tsunayoshi had gained since kindergarten; dame-Tsuna.

She didn't see much in him.

She knew that, after a while, her brother had become fairly acquainted with the boy and became good friends. There was a certain charm about him, she supposed. Charisma, would be a better term perhaps.

If she were perfectly honest, she did not see much about the brunette that could be in the least bit attractive. He was clumsy, sloppy, stupid and, quite frankly, a dame.

However, after being around him for a while she was truly happy to be one of the people that he considered his friends. She saw his true kind-hearted personality and was quite happy to see that he was a natural sweet heart.

She saw the clumsy no-good turn into a confident, kind hearted man right in front of her very eyes.

Along the way, they may have had more than a few slip-ups, but the brunette always seemed to make the day much better just by being in the room. She saw the way the other guys that were friends with the brunette visibly brightened once they saw him.

Yes, even Hibari, the demon prefect of Namimori and Mukuro, the crazy illusionist whom was freed from Vindicare.

It was quite obvious that the brunette was in a world of his own most of the time; spacing out, wandering and mumbling incoherent nothings to himself. He was truly one of a kind.

She clenched the single, beautiful flower close to her chest and smiled. 'Hidden worth, huh?' She asked herself, looking at the petals carefully.

Now that she was looking back on it, there were many times where the brunette had displayed a hidden worth whether it be when he was saving Kyoko and his friends, or whether it was in the way he maneuvered certain situations.

There were many times where he showed his true nature which was overshadowed by his clumsiness. A coriander flower representing hidden worth was, in Kyoko's opinion, the perfect way to describe Tsuna.

Because he has a hidden worth which cannot be taken away.

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