White Lily - Purity {EDITED}

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Mukuro loathed the mafia. Being a human experiment, trapped by a mafia famiglia did leave a certain kind of... impression on you. Concealing his true strength and capabilities was easy; he had mastered the art of deception.

Using said strength to destroy that famiglia was one of the best decisions he had ever made to this day. The next step- obliterate the Vongola famiglia and destroy the mafia world.

He had acquired two underlings along the way, Chikusa and Ken. He almost considered them friends.

One thing he definitely did not expect was the next Vongola boss to be a weakling. 'His heart is too pure; too innocent; too weak. Oh how Vongola has fallen,' he thought spitefully. He was impressed when the brunette had managed to hold him off long enough for the Vindice to appear.

He then decided that he would possess that boy.

It started out as a promise, but as time passed it just became a petty excuse. Seeing the resolve burn in the boy's eyes as he himself was being dragged away by the Vindice was peculiar. It was not ordinary.

It was not right.

He soon met a girl through the mindscape. Nagi. She was dying. He had made her illusionary organs in exchange for being able to possess her body whenever he liked. His deepest, darkest thoughts told him it was out of pity.

He shook those thoughts away- like he dispelled thoughts of the future decimo.

The boy was part of the mafia: he was not about to get Nagi, whom he renamed Chrome, in danger just because of a silly little ring. Alas, he was the mist guardian (now half mist along with Chrome), he had no choice but to comply.

The boy had saved him and Chrome many times, so much so he had considered the brunette an ally of sorts.

Then, he was let out of the Vindicare. He was very happy about that and told himself to leave Chrome and the Vongola behind- but, of course, he knew that he didn't have the will power necessary to do that.

So, he hid it.

He wanted to detach himself from the brunette, as he was afraid that his tainted black heart would infect the kind brunette's innocent, pure white heart. Sawada Tsunayoshi- as much as he would like to argue -was his light, therefore he did not wish to taint it.

Eventually, he gave in to his selfish desires and joined Tsuna's famiglia. If only he could have realised sooner that the brunette's purity could never be tainted.

He noticed how Chrome brightened up by being around him and if he were perfectly honest, he enjoyed Tsunayoshi's company himself. He must be insane- joining a mafia when he hated it, under the command of a mafioso no less.

But the brunette was different.

He wasn't evil, and he was definitely not the boss of an Estraneo-like famiglia.

He smiled to himself while twirling the white flower. White lilies represented purity; he smiled to himself at the hidden meaning the flower had for him.

The purity of his sky, which can never be tainted.

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